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View Full Version : Abu Dhabi or Singapore

12th Mar 2008, 05:56
As an expat with a family. Which would be the best?

Singapore or Abu Dhabi.

Left Coaster
12th Mar 2008, 05:59
Need Input... how many kids? What kind of job? Schooling needed? Where are you from? ETC....INPUT!!!

12th Mar 2008, 06:18
2 kids. Captain. Been an expat my whole life. Mid thirties. Lining in Sth East Asia.

Metro man
12th Mar 2008, 07:48
If you're well cashed up already Singapore will be nice to live in with a family, just don't plan on saving much. Even with the expat package from SQ you will need to add to the housing and education allowances from salary as they are insufficient.

Looking to save some money ? then ETIHAD give free housing and better education, medical insurance, staff travel etc. But inflation is worse, currency pegged to the US$, heat/humidity, crazy driving (just seen a news report of a MASSIVE pile up on the highway between Dubai and Abu Dhabi), usual Middle East living issues.

Basically better living in Singapore, better money saving in Abu Dhabi IF you can put up with all the rest.

12th Mar 2008, 09:36
Its really no easy decision. Thanks for your help.:confused:

puff m'call
12th Mar 2008, 11:22
Singapore, Singapore , Singapore. :ugh: It's easy.

Much better place to live and a better culture to live with.

Plus it's green!!!!

12th Mar 2008, 12:23
currency pegged to the US$

Not for long... :ok:

12th Mar 2008, 14:49

Not for long...


12th Mar 2008, 16:12
Not an easy decision?



13th Mar 2008, 06:57
Quality of life for you and your family but little savings=Singapore
Quantity of money for you,but miserable+bored family=Abu Dhabi

I would choose quality of life over quantity of money.

As the saying goes, Happy wife,Happy life!:O

13th Mar 2008, 07:09
Go to Singapore.

Etihad has major problems with accommodation, some pilots have been in hotels for over 6 months...

13th Mar 2008, 07:53

But at least they give you accommodation,
In Singapore you pay , an the rents nowadays!!!!:ugh:


Left Coaster
13th Mar 2008, 09:32
Only partly true, you do get an allowance (comes with your monthly pay) and how you spend it is up to you...Rents are, simply put, through the roof here. The greed of some of these Landlords is beyond belief. It isn't too much of a stretch to say that rents have doubled or more in a matter of months...Scaring some away I would think. Rumours are that the rent situation has peaked and will stop going up and settle down, but the damage has been done as far as many are concerned...:*

13th Mar 2008, 14:32
go back home, fly with a low cost operator, put up with less money, give your kids the best health, living standard and education possible, and revisit this scenario after they've left home.

12th Apr 2008, 13:05
you will hate AUH no human right culture.no respect for the others.:=

12th Apr 2008, 18:35
Mabele, you said it...Its really no easy decision. Thanks for your help
... but if you made your savings and you don't want to rock the boat and because you lining in the SE Asia, then Singapore. I'm assuming you are in India or Sri Lanka.
Singapore is a very multi-cultural island-state where loads of SE Asians live along with the majority of Chinese (75%). It's nice and clean, expensive (where isn't of the major world cities?), low profile, good for families (kids despite education expenses) and loads of places to go to within a 2 hour flight. Tropical weather. I'm sure you are used to it by now. Good luck!

12th Apr 2008, 19:03
Hands down Singapore, much...much better culture, persian gulf still is a primitive place... even with all that money, singaporeans are much more educated and respectfull