View Full Version : U.S. J-1 schools

18th Jun 2000, 12:22
Can any of you guys give me advice on which are good J-1 schools in the states. I am looking to get back over there as soon as I can ( got my usppl in april) but I would prefer to hear from people who know before I bankrupt myself at a bad school.
Thanks, Koog.


18th Jun 2000, 22:03
There are plenty around... I'll list you a few of the bigger ones.

Flight-Safety: Nice school good facilites, exellent training program. Quoted price close to reality. Fairly expensive. Nice and clean equipment.
Located in Florida

Sierra Academy: Located in San Fransisco area. Expensive accomodations. Good enviroment for learning ( busy ) Facilities old and well worn. Expensive, quoted price not even close to reality lot's of hidden charges. Fairly decent training program.
Shabby old airplanes especially the multi's are worn out mostly broken.

Comair. Again in Florida, close to Orlando I have heard good and bad things. Seems to be a little bit more inexpensive than either of the above.
Once working as a flight instructor you had a Comair crew ID that allowed you to jumpseat on comair route network.

I would buy a Flying magazine and look into the classified section , there are plenty of schools advertising there.


20th Jun 2000, 09:55
Don't go to FlightSafety international at Vero Beach, they are full of sh.. Been there, done that. Just don't wanna see another victim going there. Never heard good things about Comair either. Sierra is pretty good. check it out from the internet
Good Luck

flightsafety former victim

Juliett Jones
20th Jun 2000, 17:28

I've only had good experiences with Flight Safety, real sorry you found them not up to expectations.

Juliett Jones
What glass ceiling?

Check 6
20th Jun 2000, 21:05
I agree with JJ. I have taken various FlightSafety International courses around 10 times, and I am always happy with them. I have not been to Vero Beach, but I have been to Wichita, Kansas; Tucson, Arizona; Houston, Texas; and Long Beach, California. I can only assume their Vero Beach program is up to par as they are the largest aviation training organization in the world, and have a reputation to uphold. Good luck.

Kick the tires, light the fires, first off is lead, brief on guard.

20th Jun 2000, 23:32
I didn't do my initial training with Flight Safety but with Sierra Academy.

I did select Flight Safety for a friend of mine. He graduated some time ago and was very happy. Also I'll have my nephew start his training in Vero Beach in not too distant future.
I did do some 737NG training up in their excellent Seattle facility and needless to say I'll be going back with pleasure.


21st Jul 2000, 00:16
Try Pan Am International Flight Academy...in either Phoenix or Vero Beach. All a/c are brand new pipers, rather expensive, but with huge backing, good sims and a nice lifestyle. They offer J-1 visa programs under FAR 141. I went through the entire program, and I can vouch for it.

21st Jul 2000, 07:02
Western Michigan University?


24th Jul 2000, 02:05
Sierra Academy has a very very thorough training program. I am studying there now. Like JJ says the equipment and the buildings are worn down and when you have 8 of 9 Duchesses in maintenance it can be very frustrating but the training is great!

The cost of living around here is expensive though and the quoted prices they give you are a load of **** ! Their hourly hire rates for a/c are twice as much as the FBO's around here so I guess you get what you pay for.
