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View Full Version : HAI 2009 Free passes

Phil Kemp
9th Mar 2008, 15:03
I had a great response to the free passes that were given away this year, including a couple more that were added during the show. I met a couple of the participants and I am particularly glad that it included some stung by the Silver State Helicopters collapse.

The entire helicopter industry is always complaining about the difficulty in recruiting talented people into the business, yet never appears to do a huge amount to promote the industry or encourage people to start a career in it.

I am hoping that for the next HAI in Anaheim Feb 22-24, 2009; to be able to offer an even greater number of tickets to people starting out in the helicopter business, or considering it as a career. I am asking exhibitors to consider donating just one of their free passes, so we can pool them up and offer them to a broad spectrum of candidates, to provide them the opportunity to attend the show and see what the helicopter business is all about. I would really like to be able to offer 100 passes, and I will be donating 6 (at least) again next year.

The idea will be to promote the ticket give away solely on the Internet through the Helicopter related sites and to get the word out to all the Flight Training and Technical schools to get their students who are interested in a career in helicopters to come and vist Heli-Expo and experience what is probably the greatest recruiting venue of all - as anyone who has ever attended will probably agree. It will be a random draw, and it will be run out of a small website created specifically for the purpose.

We won't be paying travel expenses or providing any cash, simply recirculating some of the tickets that we are provided as exhibitors, to encourage the next generation of Rotorheads to look at this business and understand the fascination and opportunity it has provided for the people already in it.

Just trying to put this out there a year in advance, so the seed is set. Also looking for any input or ideas on how best to promote this and any suggestions on implementation or improvement upon the basic concept.