View Full Version : 1st job in GA

8th Mar 2008, 01:49
Hi all,

I am about one or two weeks away from my CPL flight test and have been looking for work around the country. The usual day VFR up north kind of word.

I was just wondering if someone could shed some light on how the normal process goes?

Is it an interview with a checkride on the aircraft you'll fly?..

Is there anything else I need to know before applying?..

Many thanks,

8th Mar 2008, 10:46
there are zillions of threads on here about flying up Nth, look & you shall see.
Ask away that's fine but develop skills on yr own that require no one elses input. Trust me commercial pilots can be the most sneaky & nasty bunch on the planet! Those that say otherwise are lying to themsleves already & being sneaky without ever realising it !:p You couldn't have picked a better time to be broke & exploited for many years to come!

Get ready for a a life that is exciting & a STEEP learning curve AFTER you have yr license !