View Full Version : Gulf Air: What Mr. Kooheji is saying these days.

Panama Jack
7th Mar 2008, 14:19
New airplanes (Inshallah) next year, more Airbus A320's, new interiors and entertainment systems, Dublin, Singapore and a few more routes perhaps and greater frequency to existing ones, Shanghai and USA destinations.

Gulf Air focuses on fleet replacement
By Megan Kuhn

Bahraini flag-carrier Gulf Air aims to revamp its current fleet before the first of 16 Boeing 787 aircraft on order is delivered to the carrier in 2016.

During a signing ceremony today for the 787 aircraft in Washington, DC Chairman Mahmood Hashim Al Kooheji told flightglobal.com's sister premium news site ATI: “We hope to get new aircraft in our fleet next year.” The carrier is particularly interested in the Airbus A320, he says.

Al Kooheji says Gulf Air is also interested in upgrading interiors of its existing aircraft and installing state-of-the-art in-flight entertainment (IFE).

Flight’s ACAS database shows Gulf Air flies 10 Airbus A320-200s, six A330-200s, nine A340-300s, two Boeing 737-800s and four 767-300ERs.

Gulf Air is also in the process of revamping its network, “consolidating the routes we have,” and possibly adding new destinations, the carrier’s Chairman says.

“Most likely, [we’ll] return to discontinued routes,” Al Kooheji notes, such as Singapore and Dublin. He also says Gulf Air will “add more frequencies to existing routes.”

Other markets recently cut by Gulf Air include Hong Kong, Sydney, Johannesburg and Jakarta.

Last month the airline unveiled plans to inaugurate nonstop service to Shanghai in June.

During the signing, Al Kooheji expressed interest in resurrecting US service. The carrier ceased US flights in 1997; however, Gulf Air has had a codeshare with American Airlines since 1994.

“Gulf Air is now really moving forward. Hopefully we will be flying back to the US very soon,” says Al Kooheji.

7th Mar 2008, 16:20
More aircrafts next year? Could be more A330-2/3's and A340-3/5/6's leased from Boeing?

Let's see...


7th Mar 2008, 17:40
Hope to see action on the complete refurb soon.

Don't think speed tape will cover this one.

We must be at least the same standard as our local competitors to keep the customers happily flying with us.

7th Mar 2008, 19:20
This is the same guy that said 747's are on there way and that there will be 1500 redundancies amongst expats!! Say no moron

7th Mar 2008, 19:39
I see you are one of the sharp tacks in GF. Hope you are not a Captain (level 4 please)

7th Mar 2008, 19:43
Maybe just a grammatical error. :}

Happy landings.

Panama Jack
8th Mar 2008, 08:16
Hope to see action on the complete refurb soon.

Don't think speed tape will cover this one.

Fresh speed tape is in the order (several crates of it) to replace the peeling tape currently on the aircraft. ;)

9th Mar 2008, 09:30
Cam32, I think MaffiFaloos was referring to the chairman. He did mention the 747 once. I wish he would stop making statements like that and let the PCE do that. If you notice, he jumps at any opportunity to announce elaborate plans but when the news is bleak, the PCE gets to make those announcements.

24th Mar 2008, 14:58
Are there any new rumors floating concerning new aircraft next year? What is the status of the mentioned A320 order?

Thanks Stefan

26th Mar 2008, 00:26
Has GF ever hired or do they hire direct entry captains?

26th Mar 2008, 06:02
Why captain A. Alkohejey alwyes do ferry flights to the ZRH....
he just become a captain..and there are SNR BOYS on A320...................is that caz he related to the bose??????

26th Mar 2008, 07:30
To answer your question Casa..they have in the past hired DEC's, however all recent vacancies and future ones are being filled by qualified senior f.o.'s...never say never, but it's highly unlikely GF will need to recruit DEC's in the foreseeable future..

26th Mar 2008, 16:43
Why captain A. Alkohejey alwyes do ferry flights to the ZRH....
he just become a captain..and there are SNR BOYS on A320...................is that caz he related to the bose??????

27th Mar 2008, 00:15
whats it matter to have that capt flying to zrh? seniority counts for nothing in this regard.

29th Mar 2008, 00:27
Capt Fatal again! the way he replies he is either drunk or drunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HARAM! maybe the office does not trust you to fly anythere except DMM DOH AUH or MCT in the best case scenario

29th Mar 2008, 13:29
i leave DMM DOH AUH for you., caz i am not a320 or b767 driver,, you can enjoy those sectores.....why some people here do not like to know the reality........he just few months since become a captain..........there are boys in a320 already complained regarding........all the the ZRH flight he have to do it why.........???..........so...:ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ok:

Phantom Driver
29th Mar 2008, 15:52
This sort of stuff is kind of worrying.....

29th Mar 2008, 17:47
Capt Fatal,
you are not a 320 driver way the hell you are complaining then?

29th Mar 2008, 20:22
Crapt_Fatal, :yuk:, you are NOT a320 !!!Then, :yuk::yuk: I don’t see you complaining about all the Dublin flts... is capt. Al Ansary related to you then or the CO....:suspect:

7th Apr 2008, 18:11
Ib watch it up.....alot of boys started to talk about your standard on A320........i do not know how you become a TRE on that fleet........SANJY...is all your fault......watch it up before another 072

7th Apr 2008, 18:36
IB's standards on the Boeing and previous to that have been just fine, and well enough to maintain a TRI/E endorsement on those types as well. I would suggest that if suddenly there is an issue its more likely with the whingers on the 320 than with IB.

And i'd bet every cent of my salary for the rest of my career that if someone like IB had been upfront on GF72 that accident would never had happened regardless of what seat he was occuppying.

Fatal you can be a positive tw@t at times.

7th Apr 2008, 21:03
oh no. J---m aka Capt Fatal is back to his reputation wrecking ways.
hey fatal, you must either be stupid, or really stupid. whenever you start making comments like this, you

1. damage your reputation as a TRE!!! (can't believe you are even one)
2. damage your airline's reputation
3. damage your standing with your fellow TRI/TRE's

don't you realise everyone knows who you are? it is idiots like you who were on 072, the type who think they know it all.

8th Apr 2008, 06:59

In the past I had disagreements with some of Ironbutt's postings but making such comments on a public forum about someone like ironbutt who does not particularly hide his identity is shameful, if you have any problems with his performance you should report it to the related authority, or come up with your own identity here so that we all know who you are.

I personally don't even think that you are a local pilot because almost all of the local pilots are fantastic to work together.

If you are who Brassplate claims you are then what a shame because I always thought the person brassplate mentioned was a nice guy as well.

Have a nice day !

8th Apr 2008, 07:40

How .....for some one just been on a320 for less than 6 months.....has an ability to train second officers.......come on boys be more realistic.....for info 2 f/o had to take control from him during approch.....more facts on coming days........:=:=:=

8th Apr 2008, 08:23

Yeah..........we accept reality. Pity you don't though, because your last post seems to indicate that it's pretty much impossible for you to make a comeback when you obviously haven't been anywhere. :8

8th Apr 2008, 11:03
Capt Fatal:

It is a shame that you can post such crap. It only goes to show your level of `professionalism` and as such a representative of the company.

IronButt is an example of a fine pilot and a fine person!!! Slandering him here is not proper.

Incidentally ... I`ve flown with you in the past ... DO YOU REALLY THINK YOUR THAT GOOD??? Think Again!

8th Apr 2008, 11:34

You're a ********! Here's a repeat of a famous old flame you tool.....read and weep..........

I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. I mean rock-hard stupid. Dehydrated-rock-hard stupid. Stupid so stupid that it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole different dimension of stupid. You are trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid collapsed on itself so far that even the neutrons have collapsed. Stupid gotten so dense that no intellect can escape. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot mid-day sun in the Arabian Gulf stupid. You emit more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits in a year. Your writing has to be a troll. Nothing in our universe can really be this stupid. Perhaps this is some primordial fragment from the original big bang of stupid. Some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the laws of physics that we know. I'm sorry. I can't go on. This is an epiphany of stupid for me. After this, you may not hear from me again for a while. I don't have enough strength left to deride your ignorant questions and half baked comments about unimportant trivia, or any of the rest of this drivel. Aaaaarrrrgggghhhhhh!

Get the point, you bloody clown? :ugh:

8th Apr 2008, 12:25
:zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::ouch :

8th Apr 2008, 12:27
Fatal f*kwit,
you know you're a nutcase when everyone elses reality is different to yours.

8th Apr 2008, 12:30
:ouch::ouch::ouch::ouch::ouch::ouch::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh ::ugh::ugh::ugh::{

8th Apr 2008, 12:32
check out fatal's pm to me, guys. such professionalism.

if u think you know my full name just go ahead and disclose me...monkey.........remember i know who are you...wait for me in sim....this will be your last sim in GF.....**** off

i'm so scared. someone, help me:(

bwahahaha....:} the calibre of this GF TRE is frightening. can the aviation world observe one of the few remaining bad apples in GF? you should take your talent where it is needed....like angola or something.

here's another pm from our revered friend.
**** you....go back to your mother ****er country...........my country my airline......our boys will kick you out

such a lovely character ain't he?

8th Apr 2008, 12:36
it is easy to write on this forum...and pointing to others........is that right Bress..........god bless........:p

8th Apr 2008, 13:08
Yes Fatal...it is easy to write on this forum accusing others...as in the past I invite you to present your facts in the office so my errors and/or incapacity can be brought to light...some statements from the first officers who were involved in taking control of the aircraft would be most welcome, as a review of the appropriate QAR tapes can bring all the details to light. If you are really who and what you claim to be, then safety would be your primary concern, and proper action must be taken, not hiding behind your name on Pprune and making unsupported statements.

8th Apr 2008, 13:17
IB........... the facts will disclose in coming days.....sanjy is heavily involved in it......just matter of days and every one will knows....just watch.......... how much you knows about airbus?????? i feel sorry for second officers.........

8th Apr 2008, 13:20
Yes I look forward to it....and meeting you face to face and discussing this..I don't claim to be an Airbus expert by any stretch of the imagination, we all learn as we go, and I am always open to prefessional comments, criticisms from my colleagues/trainee customers. You Fatal, need to learn how to professionally communicate your concerns regarding quality of training provided through proper channels, as any TRE would most certainly be capable of doing...instead you choose to rant and rave in a silly fashion here on the internet..which brings into question your professionalism, not mine..let the chips fall where they may:ok:

8th Apr 2008, 13:42
LOOKING FORWARD............we will see who laughs at the end........:ok:

8th Apr 2008, 13:59
Safety and competent training is no laughing matter, and I for one want no part of providing training that is up to standard..I don't percieve you to have a concern for safety and training here Fatal, only some hatred for me, and maybe the others who came across from the 767...if you find it funny, then you have some serious personal and professional issues that need to be dealt with...enjoy yourself...you seem to be alone in your opinion on this forum...not that your specific opinion is of any particular interest to anyone..if you felt you have raised valid concerns then good for you....but hey, then you wouldnt have to hide here on Pprune would you??? I most certainly do not.

8th Apr 2008, 14:15
so far,
capt fatal= arrogance, racism, incompetence, uneducated, rude, unfair, judgemental, dangerous, bully, threat, barbaric, childish, immaturity, unsafe, rash, stupid, self righteous.....

anyone care to add?

your country, not your personal airline, our lives.

8th Apr 2008, 14:22
Gee brassy....dont sugar coat it:}

8th Apr 2008, 14:25
i know, i should really say what i really mean huh.:}

8th Apr 2008, 15:07
Thought i would join in :8

Annouced today:

Gulf Air, Bahrain’s national airline, today announced the launch of a major project which will see the redesign of all its aircraft interiors, together with its livery, uniforms and its passenger lounges.
The airline has appointed London and Singapore based designers James Park Associates to carry out all aspects of the redesign, which will coincide with an expansion and updating of Gulf Air’s fleet.
“Customer satisfaction is one of our top priorities and while we are proud of the very high standards of service and hospitality that we offer, we are constantly seeking ways to further enhance our passengers’ experience with Gulf Air as part of our aim to be the airline of choice,” says Gulf Air chief executive officer Bjorn Naf.
“With the help of James Park Associates, we will redesign every aspect of the passenger experience to blend traditional comfort with cutting-edge technology and materials to give our customers an unforgettable journey with Gulf Air,” said Naf.
Designer James Park said his company was excited to work on enhancing Gulf Air’s already strong brand image.
“This is an incredibly exciting project and one which will see further enhancement to Gulf Air’s image as a world class airline. The civil aviation world is evolving at an incredible speed and the challenge for all airlines and their designers is not meeting passengers’ expectations, but exceeding them. Gulf Air will achieve that and more,” said Park.
James Park Associates was founded in 1982, specialising in the design of bespoke interiors and luxury environments. With offices in London and Singapore, JPA's work focuses largely on the travel and hospitality industries. JPA has designed Singapore Airlines' new business class seat on the Airbus A380 aircraft and the first and business class seats on board their Boeing 777-300ER fleet.
Other projects include the Venice-Simplon Orient Express; the Eastern and Oriental Express; the Royal Scotsman; Taj Exotica Resort and Spa in Mauritius and the Maldives; Lake Palace Hotel in Udaipur, India; Hotel Pierre, New York.
Acting executive vice president marketing and sales Danny Barranger hailed the tie-up with the international design consultancy as the “ideal partnership for a strong, successful and lasting brand.”
“Gulf Air has a long history of being the pioneer of aviation in the region and we have immense pride in our heritage and we will continue to a pioneering leader in the future. We are committed to development and improvement of our products and services to ensure that Gulf Air is well positioned to become the airline of choice,” said Barranger.
“This will include significant changes to the in-flight entertainment systems,” he concluded. – TradeArabia News Service

I am going to miss the old livery!

9th Apr 2008, 18:11
I am cabin crew not a pilot and apologise for crashing your party, occasionally I like to see what the big boys are talking about. What I am reading from the gentlemen who stand in briefings and have the nerve to talk about the value of CRM is disgraceful. I hope that no other crew read this childish and openly racist outpouring from the people who are in command of us. Fortunately I have no idea of your identities because if I did I would surely not wish to fly with you or your attitudes.

Please put your toys back in your cots and grow up.

9th Apr 2008, 21:31
Thank you sandfox!

9th Apr 2008, 23:21
How come my last post has been removed???? I did not swear like some of the other posts here, I just gave a honest opinion of Fatal Gulfy like everybody else. It was very tame tame compared to other posts. Is the censorship issue raising its ugly head again?????
What's going on mister moderator ?????????:ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::mad::mad::*:*:*

10th Apr 2008, 04:27
The term "Paki" is offensive to Pakistanis, and should be avoided, and any likening of Fatal to a Pakistani is also offensive to our Pakistani brethern here..

10th Apr 2008, 04:55
Thank you IB57 - undersiege hop off the soapbox & wind your neck in - your post was part of a string that had no effect other than to whip up a storm of controversy - it had no value in terms of aviation or what Mr. Kooheji had to say. Leave it at that or it is you who will be doing the leaving.


10th Apr 2008, 15:25
LMFAO@IB. too true.

10th Apr 2008, 15:51
I still personally do not think it should have been removed as I have been brought up in a part of the would that has freedom of speech, like the U.K for example.
But on this arena you are God and can strike anyone down with a few simple keystrokes Leave it at that or it is you who will be doing the leaving. and I have to accept that if I want to continue being part of the Pprune community.
After 6 years in this region I should know by that there is no freedom of speech. I just did not think that it would extend to a website logged into from the M.E. but is based in the U.K.
Sorry for the offence caused to our Pakistani brethren out there.

10th Apr 2008, 16:05
Not convinced you understand the concept of "freedom of speech" just go into your workplace anywhere in the civilized world and throw around a few racial slurs, or direct some vulgarities at your supervisor and see what happens...now back to the thread...

10th Apr 2008, 16:39
Dear IronButt,

Obviously that capt fatal is jealous of your new position. He is a real shame for this airline and I won't be surprised to learn that he cheated his way to a flightdeck.

I don't know you very well but I always heard that you had very good standard and attitude.

So i won't go into the local / expat war, but it is obvious that expats (omanis, canadians or others...) are not welcome anymore in gulf air and especially from this 'Captain Fataly Stupid'. Failing 330/340 Expat FOs is becoming a common game.

He will be the new GF072, because he knows better and will show you better... he is a CRM bomb ready to explode in a flight deck.

IB they might want you out. Don't you worry the world is looking for guys like you. That fatal guy can't be anything besides of being a little nobody in Gulf Air.

Obvisouly his ego must be in an inverse relation to his IQ...

I am with you.
Enjoy the boat and the beers,

Ali Baba
10th Apr 2008, 18:43
:{:{what a bunch of kids,gf boys needs to grow up

11th Apr 2008, 09:39
Guys, stop deriding your mates for no rhyme or reason.

Fatal, you may have an opinion - we all do, but could you be man enough to discuss it with IB, your current target? You know who he is, and be the real warrior and confront him. This would save us and the website a lot of trash, and reputation.

As far as the Training department goes, I do not see where they have erred on the A320. It is the A330/340 that has tons of deadwood that needs to be weeded out ASAP - the crap survives because of cheek-kissing the former and the future training manager. That fleet is lucky that they have little responsibility for putting inexperienced bums on the seats, and the dirty work is left to the A320 and the B767. Targetting the A320, while turning a blind eye to the A330/340 is more than unfair.

11th Apr 2008, 13:05
The term Paki which seems to offend everyone is actually used on the front page of all major newspapers where I come from. Forget about the supervisor at work, he reads the same newspapers as every other employee does. So I will have no problem using the term at work at all. Not even the Paki reading the newspaper will complain, he's has is own terms that he uses for other nationalities himself. Still no one complains

Panama Jack
11th Apr 2008, 13:32
I am going to miss the old livery!

I think I will also miss the Gold, Blue & White livery, but somehow suspect that the drive for change is that it is a bit complicated (and expensive) to paint airplanes like this. The worldwide trend seems to be all-white and just slap a sticker on the tail, and that makes it easy for leasing and quick buy & sell. Also a shame about the lounges and the cabin crew uniforms, which I think look great and are the nicest looking ones in the region. I would have liked to see us keep it to continue to build brand identy. Alas, I am just a lowly peasant though.

I certainly hope that change will not be just for the sake of change itself (or even worse, to distance GF from the Hogan identiry). As far as aircraft interior redesign changes, yes, and keep it coming! Also, I hope that it will not be a change intended to address the needs of the airline (and the perceived needs of the customer) for the next 10 years. The implementation of standardized cabins has taken entirely too long at Gulf Air.

When you look at service leading airlines such as Singapore Airlines, service product lifespan is sometimes measured in terms of months, not years, in order to differentiate itself from the competition and to keep it's most demanding passengers (I mean the ones who pay premium dollar, not just the ones who yell and scream for lack of culture) delighted.

11th Apr 2008, 14:18
Wonder ifhe livery will actually change seeing as how they just are finishing up the last couple aircraft with new paint...

Desert Diner
11th Apr 2008, 15:18
:rolleyes:I remember how all that gold in the livery was going to make GF seem like a "premium" airline:rolleyes:

Panama Jack
11th Apr 2008, 15:26
GF service, if I may say so, is pretty good by world airline standards, but not perfect. The service standards in the region amongst the competition are pretty high also, but anybody who has flown a North American or European airline may well agree with me on this.

Concern here is about throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Brand identity is important, to be certain, however, I feel the money and effort (focus) should be better tuned towards things like interiors, including new seats in First, Business and Economy Class (latest comfort and low-weight designs), pax entertainment systems (even Economy Class pax have now come to expect on-demand in-seat videos), an emphasis on maintenance to keeping in-cabin furnishings in top-notch condition, as well as maintaining a focus on training and uping personnel service standards (the quality provided by different crew members runs a wide spectrum) rather than new paint and new uniforms.

Desert Diner
11th Apr 2008, 15:49
GF service, if I may say so, is pretty good by world airline standards, but not perfect. The service standards in the region amongst the competition are pretty high also, but anybody who has flown a North American or European airline may well agree with me on this.

I don't believe anyone would disagree on that. The cc have and continue to do a fantastic job with what they have available.

It's the cabin interiors themselves that are the disgrace. Even with those planes with IFE, almost half of them continue to be inop.

11th Apr 2008, 21:44
scrap ALL of them before they TOTALLY destroy gf's reputation.
throw out capt fatal gulfy while they're at it.

Panama Jack
12th Apr 2008, 07:12
The cc have and continue to do a fantastic job with what they have available.

It's the cabin interiors themselves that are the disgrace. Even with those planes with IFE, almost half of them continue to be inop.

100% Agreed.

12th Apr 2008, 10:46
LOCALS ......LOCALS.......MY COUNTRY MY AIRLINE ................:ouch::ouch::ouch::ouch:

Mr. R
12th Apr 2008, 11:56
yo fatal dude are you really local pilot if so then I don't think I'd want you to be my training captain:E

oh and I'm a local as well

Capt Hair Y Balls
13th Apr 2008, 10:46
Capt (Ha Ha!) Fatal,

You obviously much enjoy throwing a spanner in the works and getting every one's knikers in a twist. I have my doubts you're even a local but frankly I don't give a toss what you are. One thing is for sure, you've done your utmost to prove what an outright Wan:mad:ker you are.

Keep up the good work, I for one really enjoy your childish utterly useless rant which takes up bites in syberspace to no effect whatsoever other than to satisfy your week pathetic little ego.


13th Apr 2008, 14:21
Gulf Air is only for locals................my country, my airline....go go go.....and Mr R..........MYOB

Ibn Kalb
13th Apr 2008, 20:36
Dear Ironbutt 57

In the UK, yes it would be for 2 generation. But for Pakistanis themselves, there is not offence and that is how they refer to themselves.

Just like Yanks, Brits, Ozzies and Kiwis.

14th Apr 2008, 16:19
All sorry to but in on your parade - I am thinking of applying to GF but one of my main concerns was that being a brit from Pakistani origin and GF having 50% local pilots is there any discrimination - (having travelled in the ME the indiginous arab population havnt always been the friendliest of people). Capt Fatal doesnt inspire any confidence to apply!

Your thoughts would be appreciated (especially from any pakistanis out there)


PS. IBN Kalb - Afro Americans in the US refer to themselves using the "N" word (see many thousands of Rap songs) I'd like to see you go into any black neighbourhood in the US and use the same word - I promise you would be dead within 30 seconds!!! Just the same with pakistanis calling themselves whatever they like that doesnt give outsiders the right too!:=

14th Apr 2008, 18:16
Dont think for one minuet that Fatal represents the sentiments of any majority here..we have several "hyphenated" Pakistanis here, meaning Pakistani-Canadian, Pakistani-British to name a couple..best of luck in your application..

14th Apr 2008, 21:11
thanks Ironbut:ok:

14th Apr 2008, 23:37
This topic is quite disgusting. The racism and arrogance(unjustified-read fatal) is very poor. When I get on a flight, GF or otherwise, it doesn't even cross my mind that there may be racial clashes brewing subliminally(personality sure-thats quite normal).

I just want the tech crew to get me there an back safely, which GF has done superbly over my past 10 yrs flying them.

I'm not sure why the moderators do not ban cpt fatal..it is clear now 'its' contributions are not in the spirit of this forum. :confused:

A humble pax who enjoys pprune immensley.


15th Apr 2008, 02:04
Dear oh dear, just got back from leave to be greeted by all this curfuffle. As far as I'm concerned, GF is a bit of a gem in the region in terms of general conditions. I mean look at EY and all their issues in these forums. I still think we got it good, that is until the next poaching exercises by our nominated masters.

Ibn Kalb
15th Apr 2008, 05:02
ODMEA -- here, here, totally agree

Red Baron - well it all depends what word you use...if it is "niggah" then you are cool but if it is "nigger" then it is offensive.

Very strangely enough, the rule only appllies of you are a black person. If you are white, whichhever word you say, you are rascist...so the anti-rascist policy is itself rascist!

Anyway, some of my colleagues call me Cracker which I quite like ;-)

Mr. R
15th Apr 2008, 07:14
excuse me Capt. Fatal but may I add one more thing before I leave you alone??

احترم نفسك يالثور

sorry for that guys just had to let off some steam

anyways does anyone know what new destinations are coming online (other than Shanghai)? And when will they upgrade current fleet before the 787s arrive??


15th Apr 2008, 13:00
Hey Mr r..... s..:mad:.t ........ again MYOB.......... the arabic words you wrote, it really reflects from which environment you have been rasised in....maybe.............STY........ keep your distance

15th Apr 2008, 13:30
GF A320 took off two days ago for Sanaa without takeoff clearance. Maybe Capt F? If it is such a local airline, why is it run by Bjorn Naf? Is he Bahraini?

Mr. R
15th Apr 2008, 14:00
if u finding yr self man enough.....come on and face us, instead sticking behind the ass of foreigners.......shame on you ...is that patriotism.........

guess who???

15th Apr 2008, 14:18
Well put Mr. R. but I think our friend Capt_F is just a big s*** stirrer. I would be shocked if he really is who some people say he is & even if he is really a local.
Rumor has it that 777s might be an joining our fleet???

15th Apr 2008, 22:35

In between the mud slinging, can I ask a few questions.

I have read what PPjn says and that the package is supposedly overall better than EK & EY but are the allowances enough e.g does the housing allowance pay for a house/villa (as I have 3 kids) and is the education allowance per year enough for one years tuition fees?

2. DO Fo's actually save any money?

3. What is the time to command

4. What is an average FO's monthly salary

many thanks


PS - Capt Fatal feel free NOT to add your opinion:}

15th Apr 2008, 23:46
LOOKING FORWARD............we will see who laughs at the end........

He who laughs last thinks slowest.

16th Apr 2008, 09:05
I have read what PPjn says and that the package is supposedly overall better than EK & EY but are the allowances enough e.g does the housing allowance pay for a house/villa (as I have 3 kids) and is the education allowance per year enough for one years tuition fees?

2. DO Fo's actually save any money?

3. What is the time to command

4. What is an average FO's monthly salary

many thanks

1- Yes, the package is better in some points and the housing is not enough for a decent villa for your family. If you plan to stay for long time (5Y+) maybe it's better to buy one and education allowance is not enough as well.

2- With three kids, personally, I dont believe you can make any savings

3-Time to command... God knows, I guess 8 years from now

4-The average salary is 2800Bd (w/o housing and school allowances)


Mr. R
16th Apr 2008, 09:09
Rumor has it that 777s might be an joining our fleet???

we've heard that rumor for years now:suspect:

16th Apr 2008, 09:14
An Islamist MP said on Tuesday he would introduce a bill to ban the sale of alcohol on Bahrain’s national carrier Gulf Air.

Mohammed Khalid, representing the Muslim Brotherhood offshoot Al Menbar, said he was in talks with other political groups and MPs to ensure the state-owned airline complied “with the constitution of Bahrain that states Islam is the official religion and the source of its legislation.”

“Many of the people working for the airline are upset over its insistence on serving alcoholic beverages and this is against their religious beliefs and values since Islam condemns those who drink and those who offer wine,” said Khalid, in a statement reported by UAE daily Gulf News.
I urge all airlines here to follow the decision of Bahrain Air and to comply with our religious values and stop offering alcoholic drinks,” he added.

Gulf Air announced earlier this month it was to completely overhaul its image to coincide with an expansion of its fleet of 35 aircraft.

The carrier began a major restructuring operation in April last year after it was revealed it was losing around $1 million a day.

16th Apr 2008, 13:55
'The average salary is 2800Bd (w/o housing and school)'


- Can you give me clue what the amount for the housing and other add on benefits are at Gulf?

- payrise per annum% based or just whatever HR decide?


16th Apr 2008, 14:45

thanks for the info, only one of my kids is going to be going to school there so hopefully the allowance covers fully for 1?

Housing - I would definaltey hope to stay for more than 5 years (otherwise it's not worth uprooting from the UK) - whats the score with if you buy a place do the company still give you a fixed allowance?

I keep hearing differing stories from guys - some saying they save nothing others are supposedly making a fortune!!

time to command - maybe EY or EK (as its 3-4 years)maybe better then if it's 8 years at GF

thanks dude for you time:ok:


17th Apr 2008, 06:14
An Islamist MP said on Tuesday he would introduce a bill to ban the sale of alcohol on Bahrain’s national carrier Gulf Air.

feel sorry for you guys there. for the hardcore types, music is not alowed in islam either. so what is next? calls by bahani mps for the elimination of inflight entertainment? they can just play a continuos video of pilgrims circumambulating the ka'ba in mecca on the screen. :{

17th Apr 2008, 08:10
I trust the bill will be a dead-born baby for many reasons. Propped-up by cash flow statements, alcohol contributes huge amount of income to Bahrain’s economy, a key minister said once. For instance, a bottle of alcohol may cost sometimes up to $ 100; more than price of an oil barrel. Five years ago, a group of wahabi delegates met prime minister and asked the same on kingdom scale but he made it clear this issue is completely rebuffed.

The decision of Bahrain Air appears cost-saving plans, but, on long-term; alcohol will be on the menu for their passengers. Alcohol is an asset for menus of premier airlines.

Finally, a true joke to share with you happened last week. A long-beard wahabi in Bahrain Parliament claimed the symbol of ambulance cars (the cross, pole and snake) should be changed because it is related to Christianity!!!!

17th Apr 2008, 10:38
Hey MODERATOR.............is that ok with you what people writting about islam????????........how about locals, why they so quiet!!!!!!!!

17th Apr 2008, 12:37
I have no problem with people talking about Islam as long as it has something to do with aviation.

I'm watching you habbibi - you seem to have a lot of issues that have nothing to do with aviation - here's a few of your posts:

11th February
100% AGREE...........useless department....unless you are morrocan or egyption and know mr MISHA'AL ............or know someone there........

Right....like indian version of english in aviation....RIGHT FLYEAST.......did you miss flying in india.

12th February

we all mouslim brothers pls stop it....by the way most of them are soni ....only one person is shiat.... WE ALL MOUSLIM......so no need for that......will said IB

So, one more post from you that has a go at other cultures or one more post that has nothing to do with aviation and addresses religion & you're out of here.


Capt Hair Y Balls
17th Apr 2008, 17:46
Mr Fatal consider yourself well shat on mate:D:D

17th Apr 2008, 21:03

18th Apr 2008, 04:42
To flatfootsam and red baron:

Here it goes a summary of the package (all figures are in BHD):


Base Salary (entry level) - 3000

Seniority system (per year of service) - 60 (up to a maximum salary of 4200)

- Housing (married) - 700
- Housing (single) - 600
- Schooling (primary) - 1500
- Schooling (secondary) - 2500

Pay per Block Hour - 6

Monthly salary package (80 hrs) Entry level – 3480 (do not expect fly 80h/month, 70 hours/month is more realistic)

First Officer:

Base Salary (entry level) - 2100

Seniority system (per year of service) - 50 (up to a maximum salary of 2600)

- Housing (married) - 650
- Housing (single) - 550
- Schooling (primary) - 1500
- Schooling (secondary) - 2500

Pay per Block Hour 6

Monthly salary package (80 hrs) - Entry level 2580 (do not expect fly 80h/month, 70 hours/month is more realistic)

Add to all above:

Wife allowance 43
Transport allowance 40
Communication allowance 13
Overtime (above 75h) 20 for F/O 40 for CP

Do not expect profit shares and any improovement on this package in a short period of time since GF is under a recovery plan (it is doing well by the way...)

If you want to buy a villa, it is better for you to check on the internet, I am not sure about figures, but I am sure that you can use your housing allowance to pay for a villa instead to rent one, many guys are doing it and making some money at the end of the day.

To save money or not depends entirelly on your lifestile. Here we can afford many things and there are expensive things as well. There are guys spending money a lot and other making a lot, just keep one hand on the tap to not waste it.

And do not listen to all these b...s... regarding to ethnical and religious issues, this is a complete waste of time. This is a good airline to work for and it is like any other in the world, it has good and bad people.

Good luck guys


18th Apr 2008, 08:36
Albergineman - thanks mate, that's more information than I've been able to get out of GF's HR dept in a month.

Good to hear the restructuring is working out and to see some level headed straight talking instead of the adolescent mud slinging which is filling up these web pages.

Buy you beer in a few months if it works out



18th Apr 2008, 12:18

I forgot to mentiom the Time Away that's BHD1.5 per hour out of base (average 200h/m) = BHD300



18th Apr 2008, 15:52
Please accept my apologies IF my writing offended anyone here. What I mentioned are summary of facts and figures said by a key minister, and confirmed by key Gulf businessmen and leading economists and my wide exposure in world of business. I believe I was careful enough to put my opinion in an aviation context and how it may affect an airline as a key asset on menus for passengers.

I have respect for all religions irrespective of the sectors, and once again I apologise IF my opinions offended anyone.

18th Apr 2008, 16:39

Thanks dude, thats perfect, it gives me something tangible to work with.

Agreed theres always going to be at least one real dodo in every airline - there not a problem as long as the majority are cool

Inshallah application to go in towards the end of the year.

Whats the story with the 767's?I heard they are getting more of them? is there any opportunity to go straight onto them (as I'm already rated), although I would like to get a Bus rating

thanks man:ok:


18th Apr 2008, 17:46

About the B767, if they’re getting more of them, it’s completely new for me, since they’re for long now to be phased out. What are about to join the fleet are 2 two used A321’s and two more brand new A320’s in one year from now.
In the recent past, you for sure, would join straight to B767 since you are rated but I don’t believe it’s going to happen again because slowly all the Boeing drivers are being transferred to the Airbus A320 / A330 / A340, according to their seniority.
Be prepared to sign a training bond to Airbus for three years for a generous amount of money, something around +20K BHD for a non-type rated.
There are the possibility for more airplanes to join the fleet from 2010 (can be any, but the preference lies over the B787) and, believe me, some kids are already fighting for who is going to fly them first!!!



18th Apr 2008, 22:31
I believe I was careful enough to put my opinion in an aviation context

I can see that avaition context by carfully using the word wahabi. I believe you guys use this word out of hate for sunni muslims.

19th Apr 2008, 14:08
The training bond of +20K BHD was offered to all those A330's DEFO three years ago.
If you are already a GF's A320 driver and is transfered to A330/A340 you are requested to sign a three years, +12K BHD training bond.
Maybe the 5K BHD bond was an alternative case for Boeing drivers being transfered to Airbus, I am realy not sure about this.


19th Apr 2008, 17:17
The bonds tend to change from day to day, person to person, situation to situation. Get the drift.

I signed 23000BHD, for a 3 year bond as a new type rating 320.

There was talk of all of the bonds reducing to 12000BHD over 1.5 years during the last pay raise, 12000 was more realistic of the costs of a new rating for the duration of the bond required.

I have not seen this on paper so assume that I am still on the 23000BHD, makes no difference really if you don't plan to leave in a hurry.

19th Apr 2008, 17:25
Thanks guy's

The bond (at 20k BD) is REALY expensive thats 40k pounds 80k dollars!!!!! but I suppose it makes no real difference as long as your planning to stay for the 3 years.


19th Apr 2008, 18:53
Based on current exchange rates:


19th Apr 2008, 20:16
will the piriority at the moment for local boys....as matter of fact BDB bank is sending 40 cadet per year.......so......:=.......:{

19th Apr 2008, 21:58
what the ....???

Dixons Cider
20th Apr 2008, 05:38
the guy is a incoherrant sh!t stirring lunatic, best he is just ignored.

20th Apr 2008, 07:31
Considering the size of Bahrain, I would REALLY like to see, how they plan to select and train 40 local boys up to an acceptable standard every year.

When I did my own selection, many years ago, only about 8% made it through.

How many Bahrainis will be screened....and how low have The Powers That Be set their criteria, in order to get the sufficient number of flight recruits?

Or is it just Fatal being his usual self...:ugh:

20th Apr 2008, 08:19
Mr Fatal consider yourself well shat on mate

You could take a big pile of sh#te and carve a life size statue of Capt_Fatal out of it, and it still would not be as full of sh#te as Capt_Fatal is.:E
I am stunned that pilots that know who you are still fly with him. He is a complete nut case. :eek::eek::ugh::ugh:

21st Apr 2008, 04:51
Who knows him for sure?

21st Apr 2008, 06:16
fatal "your" airline would collapse in about 15 seconds if the expats left and locals took over and if you choose not to aknowledge that you are an idiot.:ouch:

Remember it's the oil and expats who built the Gulf generally.


21st Apr 2008, 08:00
HAHAHAHA odema....15 seconds ha..........
my son this airline will go forever without you people......
just make your home work before you talk, and look how many locals are commanders and f/o...and what is the plan...
Regarding OIL habiby.........it is caz of our oil that the world still breathing...other wise..you still living in middle age.........
it is our oil which build your countries..and make you find a job here away from your home.......it is our oil which make you live in luxury......
so who have to admit ...he is an idiot.....:{:=

21st Apr 2008, 09:08
Fatal has left the building. Not for his rambling crap but he's been sending some very unpleasant threatening PM's to other members & that's unacceptable.


21st Apr 2008, 10:25
Fatal has left the building :) So, who was he????

21st Apr 2008, 10:53
Thank you 4HolerPoler and not a moment too soon. :ok:

21st Apr 2008, 12:21
Meanwhile...back to the topic of the thread:rolleyes:

21st Apr 2008, 13:14
If anything, it seems like a lot of in-action happening at the office. I know that no news is good news sometimes but considering there is a lot of developments ahead ie Shanghai, new A320s/321s etc, shouldn't there be some flurry of activity at the pink palace along with some sort of anticipation?
Oh and thank you 4holerpoler for kicking out that lunatic.

22nd Apr 2008, 05:46
Didn't Skybus just put some planes on the market???:cool:

22nd Apr 2008, 13:22
Fatal has left the building
What's to stop the nut case joining again under a different name???????
Anyway, good **** 4holerpoler, now only if we get him out of OUR AIRLINE OUR COUNTRY......:E:p:} Any suggestions??? Just kidding. I believe in "TBONE" 2.B.One family. No pun intended with the 2b bit.:E

Chuck Y
22nd Apr 2008, 13:37
Still no news on new aircraft. It seems the management have given up. It's a shame really when you consider that Bahrain Air can get hold of planes, & are getting more, & we can't even get a few decent 320s??? Maybe they are just hopping that this Eid or Christmas that something will magically appear. Inshallah.

22nd Apr 2008, 14:32
Skybus did put some planes on the market amongst others. We really don't have the excuse of aircraft unavailability anymore. The latest I heard is that the A319 is even being looked at. I think enough looking around about now and some productive actioning.
Interesting post on My Gulfair by our fearless leader regarding involvement with forums like Pprune. Could that be interprerated as a ban of Gulf Air staff from partaking.
Finally, the latest I heard is that the chairman may be replaced (possibly further delays in progress as a result). Could anyone elaborate?

22nd Apr 2008, 17:03
The latest I have heard is that the deal to get 3 brand-new A320s from Alafco has fallen through, which is why they are now looking at the A319.

23rd Apr 2008, 16:40
Sal-e, you seem to be in the know of things. Yes, it seems that not only the Chairman, but the entire board (or rather, 'Bored') is on their way out. Wonder what will happen to Bee-on-Snuff?

Seen the restructuring plans - the 'Chiefs' for the Executive VPs, 'General Managers' (not confirmed) for the normal VPs (and soon to be Weepies); 'Senior Managers' for the Heads, while the Managers remain the same (Tails?) ?
Interesting to see if the 'Bored' remains to make the change for the 'Weepies'.
And what happens the 'Chief' pilot - he gets to be the Senior Manager Pilot??? Confusing.

All this confusion reminds me of an old one -
"What is the Vice of a Vice Admiral?
Ans: The Rear of a Rear Admiral"

Now, in the GF context,
"What is the Vice of a Vice President?
Ans: The Head from a Head"

24th Apr 2008, 12:36
Oh dear...as a retired long service GF expat pilot it appears GF can never ever get themselves sorted out by doing things properly...and Gf could need expats forever...and to think we were all told to pack our bags in 1978 the last expat having been hired and last expat promoted to Captain etc. etc.

Panama Jack
24th Apr 2008, 12:37
Interesting post on My Gulfair by our fearless leader regarding involvement with forums like Pprune. Could that be interprerated as a ban of Gulf Air staff from partaking.

I actually had to look up that issue of Hello Kitty, uh, I mean Hello Gulf Air. I don't interpret it as a ban, so much as a reminder of "mind your manners" and "think before you talk." Sometimes, I get uncomfortable about the mindless banter about all sorts of issues where more discretion should be exercised that goes on between crews in all sorts of public places: airline terminals, aircraft cabins, bars or restaurants. On the PPRuNe forum during the recent month, there are some that have tried hard to create divisions and conflicts that, and perhaps I am living inside a shell, I just don't see anywhere in the Company on a day to day basis. I think you know what I mean.

Likewise on these forums. I think it is healthy to discuss issues and I am happy to live in a country and work in a Company where there aren't witch hunts about people who don't tow the Company line. Doesn't mean that I every day at work for me is a good day, or that I think everything is wonderful or perfect at Gulf Air. However, it seems to me that some people seemingly go out of their way to aire dirty laundry, and some of it is inflamatory or even worse, completely false. I wonder if these individuals also go around talking badly about their families?

As PPRuNe warns, this forum may be monitored by the unscrupulous, or the media.

24th Apr 2008, 16:22

Other than changing hats, business cards, door signs and upgrading their respective gin cabinets, are they expanding or contracting the scope of the management teams with this reshuffle?

They look like they've got their act together vis the restructuring to get GF on the front foot, but (Capt Nutcase not withstanding), there's quite a bit of "i'm not quite sure where it going" comments running around

I'm thinking about moving over.The current ships a bit dull but floating along nicely, not quite sure about changing hats and picking a lemon with a few too many leaks below the visible waterline... any info would be appreciated

24th Apr 2008, 16:30
Chuck Y,

I know for a fact that GF have been offered four BRAND NEW A320's in the last three weeks, 1 for immediate delivery, three for Q4 2008. All straight off the production line! Zero mileage!

However, it unfortunately appears that the company cannot turn around a decision quick enough to take advantage of the offers and they either have or are about to be, snapped up by others who can make a decision within 24-72 hours!

What makes this worse is that there was a plan to return the current 320 fleet to the lessors this year and early 2009 as the leases ran out - that was ditched because they couldn't find any replacements; now they are being offered aircraft the opportunities are being lost because of the lack of decision making at the top.

I guess sometimes in business companies fail due to this sort of behaviour and inefficiency... so, where is GF heading?

Panama Jack
24th Apr 2008, 16:41
Pretty discouraging to hear things like this. I thought I remember being told at a meeting that GF was also looking at getting some more Airbus' (probably narrowbodies of the A320 line); but it seems like decisions cannot be made without involving the Board, the Parliament, etc., and this takes weeks if not months. In the meantime Airbus has raised prices of it's aircraft (so anything we order now will cost a few million more per unit) and (and of course I have heard of instances like this before including the planned aquisition of A321's last summer) that winning opportunities are lost if it takes endless dinners and navel gazing to make a decision.

Where is GF heading? I think long term it will still be around, and with a renewed fleet and more destinations, but (failing some kind of major revolution in the way business is done, decisions are made, etc.) mostly due to the Government taking great interest in "its" airline project. Not the brightest star in the skies, but if you are asking from an employee career perspective, rewarding and stable enough.

24th Apr 2008, 21:46
The decision to stay or leave GF is always a personal one, and don't let any of the rumours from the Pink Palace (of PPRUNE, for that matter) affect you.
GF has and will always be a friendly company to work for - the pilots are, by and large, quite professional in their work, the girls are friendly, and there is no telling of tales.
The bosses of GF will continue to play games to suit themselves and to fool the owners that something serious is afoot. The current lot has returned the airline to losses of nearly $ 1 million a day, but have not stopped themselves from upgrading the furniture and furnishings in the Pink Palace. Similarly, a lot of money is being spent on refurbishing the cabins, but the technical maintenence is lacking.
Should this affect you - the answer is yours (and your family's) alone.
If you are a FO waiting for your command, then another carrier would be a quicker and safer bet for the left seat. The next in line for a Command upgrade in GF has spend over 9 years here! On the other hand, if you are a Capt., then the lifestyle of GF would be better than the one that you would encounter in the other carriers around. The family life, type of housing, schooling and traffic, would all come into consideration.
So, weigh all this and decide - there is no right or wrong, and no debrief at the end!
This airline will stay, and almost the way it is. The expat jobs will stay, irrespective of the 'Fatals' simply because they do not have locals with adequate motivation, education or training. Retirements will be officially at 60, but all will get the extensions (and have their (billiard) balls examined by the frustrated female heading the GF clinic).
So, like it or leave it.
What more?
And remember, tossing a coin will give you a 50% chance of getting the correct answer.

Panama Jack
24th Apr 2008, 22:17
Ocasionally (not terribly often), some well thought-out words of wisdom are shared here in the Middle East forum. Seems to me that Propellor has just done that. :D :D :D

25th Apr 2008, 04:33
Why is it in GF that we are always trying to justify our reasons for being here? Lets face it the company is a shambles, and will never really go anywhere thanks to reasons previously stated, but the crews are on the whole good, which makes it a fairly decent place to work, end of...

25th Apr 2008, 04:57
Thanks, Panama Jack (can't use the abbreviations in your case).

Actually, the entire thread is now slightly out of context as Mr. Kooheji has been moved to ALBA and Mr. Kanoo (Air Arabia, Mazda, etc.) has taken the chair. He seems to have a better handle on business matters than his predecessor.

Shouldn't really affect us.

Browning's 'God's in his Heaven, All's right with the world' could be used in the GF term, 'The salary's in the Bank, All's right with Gulf Air'.

Try this one of mine: If the bosses are playing Musical Chairs, just stand back and enjoy the music.

25th Apr 2008, 10:15
Propeller - is this the same Mr Kanoo who was Chairman before Kooheji?

25th Apr 2008, 13:39
I believe Andre Dose had the right idea in moving the company forward, and that was to treat every decision as a purely business decision. Of course some toes were trod on and a few egos busted, but THAT is the reason why GF is missing opportunities. The bureacracy we are SUFFERING is SUFFOCATING due progress. Airlines in the real world are NOT shackled with our type of modus operandi. In fact, these are the same airlines that are snatching new aircraft right from under our noses.
If the new chairman is anything like the last, only titles changed and nothing else.

25th Apr 2008, 17:37
The legacy of Dose is that no one in upper management will point a finger to corruption or misdemeanor, and sycophancy will rule. The lessons taught by this management is keep pleasing the Bahrain parliament, appoint Bahrain nationals in all possible positions, to retain the management top spot.

Left to First Class, I don't know which one of the Kanoo clan that he is, but I do hope he is a 'CAN-DO' and not a 'CAN-NOT-DO'.

Again, the Bored's changing and it is possible that it may be someone entirely different that takes the chair. Let’s wait and watch.

Like I posted earlier – the salary’s in the bank and all’s right with Gulf Air.
Yes, that’s true – the salary’s in today, and it’s looking good with all the overtime!

Capt Hair Y Balls
28th Apr 2008, 05:40
The problem with most of you here is that you worry far too much for nothing. Go enjoy yourselves, play golf, go fishing, sh@g the wife (all in that order) but dont waste your time concerning yourselves about GF. It will never change and it will never go under either.

It's been like that for years and it will remain probably long after we're gone so sod it and have fun lads


28th Apr 2008, 08:51
Weekend Daily Telegraph etc from the aircraft,.... go direct.. Dairy Queen...Coffe... chocolate icecream cone...home...sleep...enter black book data base to see which lovely lady is in town... bliss.
The wild dogs may bark but the GF camel train moves slowly (very) across
the desert.
P.S. Anyone died waiting on a ticket in staff travel lately?
When I was terminated at 60 I only missed the people I flew with in GF...certainly not the management, not the roster boys or the night flights or the stress.

29th Apr 2008, 03:39
Good advice hairy and 40-80, while it's fun to muse about the goings on at the HQ and other places, it surely does one no good to dwell on it..sign in, make your contribution you're paid to make, the get on with life, the whole industry is in turmoil, our problems here are minor compared to...say the USA at the present..GF will go on...as long as we do our small part..