View Full Version : DHC-8 Denim Air

5th Mar 2008, 19:40
Any Dash pilots from denim who can tell me what the roster looks like in Madrid? I've heard it's 10/5 but does that mean away from base most nights or do they try to end your shift in Madrid?

Would very much appreciate any information on working conditions here since much information on the internet is out of date.



6th Mar 2008, 11:42
Anyone have any information on this?

6th Mar 2008, 13:08
Denim is a dutch company. You will have more luck on your query if you try there. Anyway there are some spanish pilots working at denim.
Good luck

6th Mar 2008, 15:09
I do not know if you are aware that a lot of the work that DA has now days is for other airlines, not just Air Nostrum. They have been working a lot in Africa, Greece, Turquey, ...

However, like ppppilot said this forum being a Spanish one I do not know how lucky are you going to be.

Going down
8th Mar 2008, 16:04
Denim tries to plan people based in Spain (when scheduled for the Air Nostrum operation) starting/ending at their bases as much as possible. Denim is however depended on the schedules its gets assigned by Air Nostrum. At the moment there are very few (I believe only one or two, but this changes on a regular basis) rotations starting/ending in MAD.

Currently Denim operates 8 Dashes in Spain, 3 in Nigeria and 1 in Libya. The Libya rotation is volunteers only. There are a few F/O's who request to go to Nigeria on a regular basis. Chances are that you will go to Nigeria 25% of the time. For Spain the maximum rotation is 10 days working followed by 5 days off. Shorter rotations with a 2:1 ratio are also possible.



9th Mar 2008, 18:29
Appreciate the info!

Thanks alot!
