View Full Version : GA in Qatar

3rd Mar 2008, 08:43
I might move to Qatar soon for a few years and I own a PA34 (Seneca IV). Is there any piston powered GA in Doha? Piper maintenance and hangerage?



3rd Mar 2008, 10:47
Hi Bert,

think you can't have a private aircraft in Qatar.Please check first.
The only pipers are owned by the qatar avition college.Maybe you can check with them.


Dave Gittins
1st Apr 2008, 14:43
Have been in Doha for 8 wks now and still haven't found any GA to exercise my PPL. Anybody got any leads I might try ? are there any GA fields outside DIA ?? Heard about a place at Al Khor but when I eventually found it - it was shuttered and barred.

All assistance gratefully received.



1st Apr 2008, 17:22

Al Khor field is a strip utilised for GA, mainly by the college.

In order to use it, you need PPR from the QCAA.

In case your airplane is forreign registered, you are NOT allowed to overfly the country!

There are a few privately owned airplanes, mainly belonging to Big Sheikhs. There is one Canadian who has a Doha based push pull airplane, but he knows the place very well and even he is facing trouble.

So GA in Doha, slowly emerging but far from serious!

1st Apr 2008, 18:00
Qtari515 has explained it well .....

Dave Gittins
2nd Apr 2008, 04:07
I get the picture .. and it seems that anybody who wants to do a bit of GA is treated with some suspicion.

Back to my question ... is there anybody I can get in touch with - perhaps the QAR ? - where I can rent ? fly with an instructor ? ... or even impose my self on a private owner even to get a bit of right seat flying ?

All contacts will be appreciated.

Have seen a light twin (Seneca ?) on finals as I passed the airport on my way to work about 6.30 this morning and yesterday ... what was that ?


2nd Apr 2008, 06:02
Indeed Seneca are used by Qatar aviation college to train his pilots, they used to start early morning.
(for the rest you may find as well in the streets of doha some IFO's(Identified Flying Objects).. but don 't get scared(well yes we should) its just a qatari "driving" his landcruiser...):uhoh:

2nd Apr 2008, 15:04
first if ur not happy about any thing in doha then u should leave and be sure llots of people will be more than happy if u do so.:mad:

second about the aviation college yes u ca rent the A/C and iinstructor as well they have
10 PA28-181
and 3 PA34-220T
findethe link below and check for info and contact numbers all the best
try to call Chief Flying Instructor and he will tell u every thing u need to know about renting plane and flying or getting ur personal A/C here .:ok:

Che Guevara
2nd Apr 2008, 17:51
GA, what's that? Sorry, but for security reasons these things simply don't happen over here.....even model aircraft are banned in Bahrain apparently.:rolleyes:
its just a qatari "driving" his landcruiser
Yep, they certainly have their share of village idiots on the roads in the Gulf, no doubt about that!
Good luck.

3rd Apr 2008, 04:01
If nobody voiced their concerns when they percieved that something was bad and suggesting an improvement, then we would still live in the stoneage.

3rd Apr 2008, 08:42
What a nonsense Pilot306...!:ugh::ugh:

Just hope that you or your family will never be involved in an accident with one of those criminal driver, than you will probably change your way of thinking (..or maybe driving..).
(no further comments as its not the subject of this thread)

3rd Apr 2008, 11:38
by the way not only qatari's who drive that way i understand but when u talk about it dont only say qatari coz also others are as bad in driving and when u say that it look as the only ones on street are qataris and aas if qataris are bad in everything so be careful of what u say
most dont drive well in doha so plz plz dont keep saying that every thiing bad iis ((qatari))