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View Full Version : Dubai advice

28th Feb 2008, 19:13
Please Mods if this is in the wrong forum, could you move it?

A friend of mine is wanting to take a party of (well behaved) young people to Dubai by air. They have been warned about Dubai's strict laws, but are pretty law abiding people anyway.

He's read stories about people being arrested going through Dubai airport customs for having poppy seeds from a bread bun in their pocket or prescription drugs or picking up a cigarette with cannabis in their shoe tread. He doesn't know if these stories are exagerated or not.

He's worrying his party innocently taking or picking up something they should not.

It seems a bit unlikely to me - but what are your opinions?

29th Feb 2008, 00:31

although Dubai presents itself as a very westernized region, thier laws arent. They arent very liberal....

So id warn your party BIGTIME not to try to pull anything like that. Dont risk it.

29th Feb 2008, 04:30
Don't risk it. Things will go horribly wrong if someone in the group decides to try to get something under the noses of Dubai Customs and they get caught.
The stories make the front page of the local rag "7 Days" (published six times weekly) but there are lots of others that don't make the papers.
Enjoy the sights and sounds of Dubai. Have fun, but be very careful.

29th Feb 2008, 11:09
Make sure they dont hold hands in public or kiss. Severe jail time for these i know someone got 1 month in the slammer for hugging her boyfriend.

sispanys ria
29th Feb 2008, 11:15
Make sure they dont hold hands in public or kiss. Severe jail time for these i know someone got 1 month in the slammer for hugging her boyfriend.

What a crap !

29th Feb 2008, 11:59
yeah that post about someone hugging a boyfriend is a load of crap, as if seriously, dont you think with all the prostitutes and skanky looking women everywhere, they would have better things to do than put you in prison for hugging your boyfriend! seriously, if your going to bring drugs into a country thats zero tolerance, then your an idiot, and anyway, loads of drugs in dubai as it is, you just have to look in the right places! and by the way, the rasta guy with 0.000003 grams of cannabis on his shoe, has been released.

29th Feb 2008, 12:52
Minimum 4 years and no excptions for any drug - careful about codeine tablets as well, as they are also banned. Cough syrup? Forget about it.

There is no shortage of alcohol here with great places to parte' so why risk a good thing. Go out get smashed and sleep it off. Play it safe please, unless of course the only thing you want on this year's Christmas wish list, is a years supply of KY.

Think of DJ what's-'is-name, a promising career at the BBC and heading for bigger things and then a silly mistake which cost him 4 years of his life.

Just not worth it.

29th Feb 2008, 14:29
Thank you for your replies. I will pass them on.

The group of young people, my friend says, have absolutely NO intention of trying to push the rules.

The fear was that they might do something inadvertantly.

It seems from the replies that they should
-read the rules carefully
-stick to the rules

which is sensible when going anywhere.

1st Mar 2008, 07:26
Plenty of better places to go for a holiday , give this place a miss .....