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View Full Version : JAA CPL and FAA IR???

22nd Feb 2008, 18:01
With a JAA CPL what are the options when looking at getting an FAA IR? Presumably you need a FAA PPL first and then do the IR?

The reason for doing this is purley the cost... too expensive to do the IR here after CPL so how muh do you think you could get the FAA PPL+IR for???

Is there any reason not to do a JAA IR with say the Bristows academy in florida? Wont it be the same cost?

Any advice please???

Goal is to get an IR and minimal cost post CPL!


22nd Feb 2008, 18:08
do they do a JAR IR out there? Was led to believe they didn't yet.

22nd Feb 2008, 18:11
Im sure there is one or two - they took over heli adventures right? Maybe they were the only ones?
There was an ocean helicopters too?

Doesn't have to be a JAR IR in the states could be an FAA PPL and then FAA IR as it would still be much cheaper...


22nd Feb 2008, 19:13

if the reason behind doing a FAA IR as a stepping stone to the JAA IR then you may want to ask around and see whether it's really worth it. Yes with a ICAO IR the requirements are reduced when doing the JAA IR, however although in monetary terms it still may be just worth it I know of a few cases where it did not pay off. This was due to the difference between FAA and JAA which led to a bit more than the minimum hours needing to finish.

Having said that you may be doing it for another reason so forgive me if this is the case.

Good luck.

Paul Chocks
22nd Feb 2008, 19:26

Pretty certain that Bristow's (Florida) will not do JAR IR - something to do with a JAR IR has to be flown in JAR airspace!!

Good luck

22nd Feb 2008, 21:50
If you have JAA CPL, go to some USA school and convert your licence to FAA commercial (or you can get FAA PPL which is granded in your JAA license- contact FAA). Then you can go to get FAA IR. (Check that school has TSA approvals for foreign students. You need to have that). After that go back to Europe and try to get added trainings to have JAA IR with all theories. (examble in Proflight, Sweden). Whole this might take about 8 -12 month, if you are lucky and work hart. Still it might be cheaper than have JAA IR straight in Europe. Its about you. You can do JAA IR theory first in Europe and then go to USA to do flight part.

Note: Confirm everything from US school, before start. Be aware what they promise in the phone!


23rd Feb 2008, 09:48
I passed JAR ATPL exams to do my CPL - aren't these valid for the IR for 3 years?

23rd Feb 2008, 10:12
The exams are valid for 3 years for a JAA IR, if this is what you want to end up with, to be able to use it in the UK or Eurpoe, then there will be little or no advantage financially to your plan of training for an FAA IR then converting to JAA IR, unless maybe you already hold a type rating on a twin you can use for the conversion here.