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View Full Version : Your Very Own EK Credit Recovery.......

Plank Cap
21st Feb 2008, 10:48
One hour report time, not sooner..........
Zero offering to use Captain's discretion to extend FDP........
Full use of pressing 2 whilst talking to Ms. EVITA.......
No offering to work days off.........
Regular loading of easily justifiable extra fuel........
Massive ASR reporting on fatigue.......

Gents, it's all about restoring the balance, and what's more, it's all perfectly legal. Have YOU recovered your credit today??

22nd Feb 2008, 03:45
You see Plank Cap, most pilots on these forums bitch and scream their lungs out in total covertness, comfortably seated across from their computer screen, like they are mad pit bulls and then comes the time to act and show they mean what they say and follow through in their anger towards management, as you just suggested, and the big mad pit bulls become little, docile and ass-licking chiwawas...!

Many read your post, none replied! Hummm...I think you're on your own.

Sad but true, and that's why management can pull dirty tricks on pilots and get away with it....they know they bark, bark, bark, but never bite.


22nd Feb 2008, 05:26
I don't think Plank Cap is completely on his own... Although a lot of the barking mad dogs on pprune do turn into little pet dogs once they put on their uniform, there are quite a lot of silent mean dogs out there... Guys (I include myself) who DO have a life outside of Emirates, or call that aviation in general; who don't read pprune very often, most of them not at all, because they have other things to do in their time off; but guys who over a beer with their EK friends discuss what's happening, and who won't let EKmanagement get away with it and f#$k around with their lives.


Fart Master
22nd Feb 2008, 07:15
I enjoy pressing 2 quite a lot these days

22nd Feb 2008, 07:47
If you think you might be lonely after pressing '2', type SK into the appropriate field on the duty window in the portal and you'll find you have a lot more company than you think. In a couple of months type RG and that should be quite busy as well!

22nd Feb 2008, 18:06
Testosterone....this is the problem.
It makes you feek like you are a man... sitting in the big shiny airplane but deep inside you are a pussy. And your management knows you quite well...knows that there are so many pussies around here....
I totally agree...we have so many weapons... so easy to f@#k them off..
But you have the mortage of your expensive ****ty built villa to pay...a couple of families to sustain...your SUV to pay...and what about that golf club membership...
It's a matter of dignity.
Managers knows that there not so many with one left...and willing to fight and suffer to have respect...

22nd Feb 2008, 18:25
You are so right..tovarish!

Plank Cap
24th Feb 2008, 01:56
Schismatic, I know how frustrating it is to be surrounded by a group who winge a lot, but are a bit short on action when push comes to shove. Everybody has their own agenda and requirements from the job, and their life indeed. Some are on the doorstep of command and refuse to get involved, some are thinking of their families and some are just good at whining but not much else..........

Rest assured, as the instigator of this post, the items listed at the top of this thread are being practised and perfected on a regular basis by several of us..... Congratulations to all new joiners to the cause!

jack schidt
24th Feb 2008, 03:53
Just remember though guys that it is some fellow pilot on standby that you are pi$$ing off who has to do your sick duty and the management won't even get to hear about your protest! So when you think you are being clever, there is going to be another family who has to take the burden of the standby pilot going out to do it. Single roster adjustments put pressure on colleagues and helps no one, it will never happen but it would only ever work work if eveyone was sick on the same day! So to the thread starter, start a revolution or come up with a better plan that doesn't crap on it's own kind.

24th Feb 2008, 06:26
The only time management "feels" the presure, is when revenue drops.

That means the flight gets cancelled or delayed to such an extent that it's bleeding money.

The way to do this is to stick to the rules............

No extentions, no reductions, no off day work.

If you have even the most insignificant sniff or sinus block (with all this dust!), you are sick.........even if you're on standby...........even if you're on a layover...........

Unfortunately everytime you do this you're on your own........and management will make notes, and they will wait for their chance...........

And when the threats start, believe me, it's not veiled.........:\

24th Feb 2008, 09:01
Another important point for those who seek compensation or some favor from crew planning is that they no longer have the capability to go beyond 48 hours to alter our schedules without approval from above.

In other words, in the past, we could do them a favor and in turn receive something of benefit later in the month. I never thought this was a very good idea because obviously it would just screw a colleague who would have to do the 'crap' that we just avoided. I know many of us still did it, but now it appears that the benefit we seek by doing favors, is less likely to transpire.

By the way, the reason for this handcuffing of crewing, is a direct result of some rosters changes that appeared on the system and no one seemed to know who did them. The powers that be, simply could not trace these changes. I know, it all sounds so conspiratorial, but I think it probably is true.

Beware, is all I am saying. I have a suspicion future favors will not result in what we expect.

24th Feb 2008, 13:58
I managed to cancel a few flights (jfk etc.) because I refused to use discretion, where did it get me? no where. because there are so many pilots who are happy to go into discretion out of home base.

we are our worst enemies

24th Feb 2008, 14:52
I managed to cancel a few flights (jfk etc.) because I refused to use discretion,

GoreTex did you really refuse discretion on a JFK?

24th Feb 2008, 22:13
yes and not only once but as I said it doesn't help if some colleagues undermine our position and suck up to the company, I have seen guys extending their duty time to 20 hrs after a G/A in MEL or leaving to JFK 2 hrs late with 3 man only, have more examples, all of the drivers (wont call them pilots) are from far south.

we are our worst enemies and nothing will ever change with that attitude

24th Feb 2008, 22:25
and EK, it doesn't matter if its a JFK, MAA, SEZ or a double DOH, max duty time is max duty time, it's simple.

Tongkat Ali
24th Feb 2008, 23:58
Goretex; far south means?........donnunda, zululand or sambaland?

25th Feb 2008, 04:13

AMEN !!!!!! Spot on

25th Feb 2008, 09:16
I'll back this up. Limit is hard limit.
But then you'll get a acars telling you our super fltops clown has granted a extension ....... and some idiot collegues go for that.
Just imagine you commit the slightes little cock up and the same clown is all over your back hitting and stabbing, you should have known, considered, blah blah blah ......
I stated it before: Protect yourself, your health and your wallet. Press 2 and no discretion.