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View Full Version : Sterling or Euros?

Captain Lampshade
20th Feb 2008, 08:45
Am travelling to Cuba next month and just wondered whether it is best to take Sterling or Euro's to convert?

20th Feb 2008, 15:31
i really dont have dont know but in my own idea,maybe euro perhaps...just a guess...

20th Feb 2008, 16:09
Very few people outside the UK know the Sterling or the Swiss Franc exchange rate.

UKŁ is to say the least (outside banks and money changers ) not an internationally very commonly accepted currency.

Ask any cab driver, street vendor or bar tender they will know their prices in either € or US$.


Captain Lampshade
20th Feb 2008, 16:33
We brits do get very protective over our pound Ł and whilst I accept street vendors would not know, have never had any problems exchanging at hotels. However, note your advice and thank you.

20th Feb 2008, 17:48
Went last year; Took € and Sterling. Most hotels will change sterling so save yourself changing the money twice and take sterling. Taxi's etc will acept the Euro instead of the convertable Peso on a one for one exchange, BUT doing so will short change you as the Convertable Peso exchange rate is not 1:1.

When you pay for anything check the change! They use the nice trick of giving change back in regular Peso's which as a tourist you can't spend anywhere, plus it's worth about 10 times less than the convertable.
Great place for a Holiday though!!


20th Feb 2008, 17:58
If you have a choice then definatly take euros as the pound is stupidly weak at the moment. Can you not get money exchanged before you go? Ive never been to Cuba, but geneally I have found that it is far cheaper than changing money once you are at your destination.

Captain Capstan
20th Feb 2008, 18:25
Pounds are easily changed in hotels into convertible pesos but I don't think you are allowed to take Cuban currency into or out of Cuba so it is probably unavailable outside Cuba. Why change your money into Euros and lose on the exchange rate and then lose again when you change into Pesos. Hotels also accept credit cards but not American Express.

Captain Lampshade
21st Feb 2008, 08:24
Good ole sterling it is then.


22nd Feb 2008, 22:29
Hi All,

I fly to Cayo Coco 24/2/08 to get married.

My parents have been they strongly advised take sterling cash (not travellers cheques) anything to do with America will see you pay a lot of commission! Some travellers cheques are American Express anything remotly linked they will sting you so I am told.

Anyone know what plug adaptor to take? European or American!!?

23rd Feb 2008, 08:37
When working in another life I would always strongly advise people to take Euros cash with them - the exchange rate for Sterling would be loaded unfavourably in Cuba by approx 15%.
Of course anything US related was pretty much useless inc many credit cards issued in the UK by US banks eg: MBNA

Hope this helps/has helped

cheers ;)