View Full Version : Around the world - step-by-step training

19th Feb 2008, 12:35
Hi Guys,

Just trying to work out some kind of reasonable training plan (given that I dont have access to the funds to go ab-initio). Lots of questions in this one . . .

First off, I plan on moving to Canada (Vancouver) in Feb of next year. Seems to be fairly cheap to get your ppl in any of the Boundary Bay flight schools. Hoping to get my ppl and night flying done within 11 months. Firstly is that very ambitious (starting from zero)?

After that, I'll be heading onto Sydney for another year and was hoping to do my hour building while doing my ATPL training by distance learning. Is it possible to fly with my ppl in Oz or will I need to do some other type of certification? Hopefully given the good weather and cheaper plane hire prices I should be able to build up a good chunk of hours.

After all this, I should be travelling up through south/central america and ending up in that states, if I have the operunity to do something cheap here to continue my programme, what should it be???

And finally . .. . . once I get back to Europe (Ireland more specifically) . . . will I have mountains still to do? Im also assuming I'll have resit all my ppl exams for JAA? or will I have to do this before completing my PPL?

Thanks in advance for any help on this one guys,

D :)

22nd Feb 2008, 13:44
No suggestions at all??? :uhoh: