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View Full Version : Interview advice please

19th Feb 2008, 07:30
I will be attending an interview with Marshall Aerospace as a trainee avionics engineer under their adult re-training scheme.

Can anybody offer any advice on what I might get asked and what subjects are going to come up. I have not had an interview for about 17 years so I am a bit rusty. I come from a car mechanic background.

Any advice will be gratefully received.

20th Feb 2008, 16:29
If I were you I would do some reading on basic aircraft instruments. Nothing too detailed but have an idea what kind of systems are fitted to most aircraft. Try the local flying club or library for books.

They will probably ask you how your car mechanics experience will help you, so think about the kind of skills you already have and how they would be applied to your new career, ie using tools and test equipment. If you got involved in the electrics side of cars, all the better.

Finally just be yourself. If you have been a good proffessional mechanic on cars you should have no problem with aviation.
Best of luck.


Mark Nine
20th Feb 2008, 20:40
Don't fart :yuk:

21st Feb 2008, 17:21
Mark Nine

Is that your age ? looks like it.
With guys like you giving advise he shouldn't have too much problem with the competition !

21st Feb 2008, 22:29
When asked why you think x job is for you, let them know you possess many "transferrable" skills.

When asked what your weaknesses are, tell them that you aren't a strong public speaker or mention something that really wouldn't apply to your everyday duties. You get the point.

Oleo Sayer
22nd Feb 2008, 10:50
Dont cross your arms or legs, maintain eye contact (dont stare), wait to be asked to sit, be polite and smart and, as marshalls is apparently run by ex military types BE ON TIME!!! oh and know a bit about the company itself. :cool: Never kick the interviewer in the nuts, bad body language.

22nd Feb 2008, 13:46

Give the lad a break. He hasn't even got to the interview yet and you're already attempting to brain wash him on salaries.

Let him make his own mind up.

Barks18...Good luck:ok: