View Full Version : Living baby in a coffin on a Royal Air Maroc plane

18th Feb 2008, 11:03
That's what the custom guy thought.. Happily he was wrong..


18th Feb 2008, 16:57
I was about to just click this thread closed....but you know, KUDOS to the officers involved. I can appreciate the impression given by the X-ray image and it would have been even more horrible to read that a baby PRESUMED to be dead later suffocated inside its coffin.

Hindsight is always 20/20. It takes guts to make an effort, based on the educated guess that something may well be wrong.

18th Feb 2008, 17:00
Great English

18th Feb 2008, 19:29
OK then, you translate it back into their native French, and see what they think of your effort!

Looks like shades of Babelfish to me. At least it didn't get in the way of a worthwhile story.

Why jump in like that?

DX Wombat
18th Feb 2008, 19:39
Well done the person who asked the question and forced the check. What could have happened to a live baby doesn't bear thinking about - tiny, sufffocating coffin (no air holes - not needed) and probably a cold hold too.
Several years ago we had a baby, weighing approximately 1kg, admitted to our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The baby had been discovered in hand luggage at the local international airport at the end of a flight from Pakistan. The baby hadn't been born on the flight, but was about two weeks old. This baby was seriously small for dates which is how it managed to survive. We were fairly sure that it had been well sedated before and probably also during, the long flight. It was cold and hungry on arrival but once warmed up and given some food, did well and eventually went home after in depth investigations by both Police and Social Services.

18th Feb 2008, 20:02
Since it was an hermetically sealed coffin and more than three hours would have elapsed from when it was sealed until it was opened ...