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View Full Version : LIDO Charts?

14th Feb 2008, 07:09
Anyone one this M.E. forum fly using these type charts? I understand EK and other airlines might be starting to use these charts.

I was wondering how you like the charts compared to the Jepps (assuming you used Jepps previously)?

Easier to read? Better format? More or less information?

Thanks for your thoughts


14th Feb 2008, 08:20
EK start soon.

Initial impression I have is much better than Jepps.
Good layout, better charts and well thought out.

Time will tell :)

14th Feb 2008, 09:07
Did work with them in my old airline and found them much better then the Jepps. Better presentation of important information and more intuitive use. Not to mention the paper quality :hmm:
But it might take a while until you feel comfty if you change from one to the other.

14th Feb 2008, 09:35
I work with them since 2004, especially the Airport charts are much better!
e.g. MSA circles are coloured so is the terrain. at least 2003 Jep charts were black & white.
The RFCs we started using 3 weeks ago, their format is better and more "productive" means you need less cards to get from A to B for example we know just need 2 RFCs to fly from Germany to the canarie islands.
One bad thing about the RFCs In the old Charts there was for most FIR a little table with all ATC freq e.g blw-FL240 133.050 FL250-330 132.815 above 350 129.600 With Lido this feature is gone. The other thing I think is great the runway length of every Airport shown on them is given in meters and feet!

14th Feb 2008, 15:50
A big step ahead in comparison with jepps. I find the e-charts (electronic version EK is using on their laptops for familiarization purposes only at this stage) extremely useful, critical information can be pulled out quickly and without the need to fiddle with books anymore. Hope they will go ahead with the full paperless concept and get rid of the books once and for all.