View Full Version : Unsanitary Hotel Drinking Glasses

9th Feb 2008, 06:57
I'm not sure if this topic has already been discussed here, but since many of you, as part of your jobs, spend a considerable amount of time in hotel rooms, you might want to consider an alternative to using the drinking glasses made of glass furnished by the hotels. This video was a shocker:



9th Feb 2008, 08:43

An oldie but a goodie. Not far from the truth from my experience :}

13th Feb 2008, 10:27
Re that YouTube video, I've encountered some staff help that has almost been that aggressive. One of them opened my door after **very briefly** announcing "Housekeeping", and got an excellent view of me, still mostly asleep, lying in the buff and with my ass fully exposed in her direction. Needless to say, she closed the door and retreated just as quickly as she had barged in! :uhoh:

Another thing to be aware of while using hotel accommodations is the bedspread. It's about as unsanitary as the drinking glasses and coffee cups. They're supposed to change the sheets on each bed after a person has occupied the room, and in most cases that's what happens. But bedspreads are not changed and laundered after each occupancy of the room. There was a TV investigative reporter a few years back who brought in ultraviolet lights and did some chemical tests on the bedspreads. Many of them had traces of certain bodily fluids on them. You probably don't want to know what specific bodily fluids were discovered in their investigation! :yuk:

Whenever I go into a hotel / motel room, the first thing I do is pull back the bedspread and make a point to only come in contact with the bed sheets. Oh, yes. I also deadbolt the door from the inside in the hope that it will keep aggressive chambermaids away.


13th Feb 2008, 10:56
It's not clear from the video to what extent the same germs/bacteria tendd to be present in either your own home, or that of your G/F or B/F or even your extended circle of family and friends. If all of those people live in spotless, sanitized dwellings, then clearly a night in a hotel represents a massive increase in risk - if they don't, then what is the actual risk?

There are so many things to worry about - the difficulty is in knowing which are the ones that really matter. You can use your flashlight to check behind the headboard for bedbugs: You can walk around the room in socks and not use the hotel glasses, or drink from the taps: You can hide your toothbrush, have the minibar emptied and roomsafe your lipstick.

There are crew who do all of this, and yet will accept the risk of going to a club, recommended by a stranger, in a foreign country, wearing jewellery, with somebody they haven't met, while drunk - and think nothing of it.

Everybody's level of acceptable risk is different. In attempting to reduce or eliminate risk it is perfectly possible to make life impossible: You could end up living like Howard Hughes in his latter days.

19th Feb 2008, 19:23
You could end up living like Howard Hughes in his latter days.

Do you mean to say that not everyone DOES live like Howard Hughes in his latter days? :confused:

I've been trying my best to emulate him as closely as possible on all counts. You don't know how difficult this is, typing with fingernails that are several inches long! Does this mean the large collection of my urine, stored in glass jars, is all for naught? ;)