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View Full Version : Cabair Interview Help!

Captain Vek
5th Feb 2008, 16:33
hi dudes and dudettes! i was wondering if any1 could tell me what the cabair interview is like and what type of questions they ask. any help wud be much appreciated

Flying Squid
6th Feb 2008, 08:07
I'm guessing you're referring to the CCAT Assessment day as a whole or do you want feedback on the interview stage in particular?

In short.....

Maths and Physics assessments aren't overly difficult but not overly easy either. DON'T be complasant with your revision and you should be fine. I used GCSE bitesize, the letts GCSE maths & physics revision guides and then had a few sessions with a private tutor to consolidate and go over anything that I had completely forgotten from school.

PILAPT - Buy the PILAPT prep software. Its really good and I found it gave me confidence when sitting the actual tests knowing that I had done it before and could do it. Other than that, it's down to your natural ability I'm afriad.

Interview - Mine was done by Tim Sharland as Keren was in a meeting all afternoon. I can't remember exactly what the questions were but they are fairly to the point. He gave me some good feedback on how I had done in the other parts of the assessment and which areas I needed to continue working at before I start training.

Bottom line, revise your arse off for the Maths and Physics elements because it would be sole destroying to ace the PILAPT and Interview but fail on the one part that can be studied for.

I actually enjoyed the assessment apart from the Maths and Physics tests. The PILAPT is suprisingly fun! Just concentrate, relax and remember that they will be watching how you behave throughout the day.

Enjoy and Good Luck!

FS :ok:

Captain Vek
6th Feb 2008, 10:28
Thanks FS thats great help!