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View Full Version : Two different flight training organisations?!

4th Feb 2008, 09:42
Hello All,

Just a quick question for those who know.

If one completes a CPL at one organisation and then an IR at another is this detrimental to a candidate's employment chances at certain airlines? I remember reading something along these lines with FlyBe. Any information or opinions greatly appreciated.


5th Feb 2008, 00:22
I'd say the effects depend a great deal on who is conducting your interviews.

If the pilot conducting the interview won all their ratings at the school you left, think about how you'd answer the question, "Why did you leave ABC school to complete your training at XYZ school? Did you have a problem there?"

If you can handle that one smoothly - such as it was a financial descision, or the training better fit my schedule or I like their fleet better - I think you'll be fine.

At an early stage, one school jump isn't that critical. But I'm also speaking from the states.