View Full Version : Training Pilot

2nd Feb 2008, 09:20
Good morning, sorry for my English, but I have a question.

Some airlines (Qatar,Emirates,Ethiad) grow up very fastest, but it `s easy to find pilot, and if yes, the rules assumption with experience flight training is hight same other airlines (Air france, Swiss ecc) or the company must accept all without hight level skills.I flow Qatar , god service , but for cabin crew I don`t know what thinking. Have a nice day.

2nd Feb 2008, 09:54
I think we might have understood more, if you had written in your first language!...

Far Kinarss
2nd Feb 2008, 10:04
I think my handle sums it up quite nicely :E

2nd Feb 2008, 11:39
Come join EY we have a Manager in Ops with a similar level of English:}

2nd Feb 2008, 13:13
Myself, I'd like to be able to write in a second language as well as this bloke can in English.

2nd Feb 2008, 19:16
Avana what was the question again?

2nd Feb 2008, 19:47
Hi everybody

I think Avana is asking if its hard for these fast rising airlines in middle east to find pilots, and because they are growing so fast if they have to accept pilots with less experience than for example Air France and Swiss.

English is only my third language, so if some of you that make some smart comments about Avanas english skills have english as your first language i would suggest some training in reading comprehension.

3rd Feb 2008, 01:04
Just ignore these smart alecks ... we're all the same around the globe.

Here in the states, we are having troubles finding pilots. The stories are well known about the regional airlines being so desperate for pilots that some have reduced their minimums to no more than a commerical (CPL) and and instrument rating.

Just yesterday, American Airlines announced it ran so short of pilots for February that they have cancelled a bunch of flights. This is only goign to get worse around the world.

It's a bit like the fuel issues we're all seeing. More countries like China and India are competing for the same resources, in this case pilots.

3rd Feb 2008, 01:32
Jetwhine--U.S. pilots like myself are considering going expat for a variety of reasons.

If we're going to be victimized by bad management, why not see a different part of the world while we're at it?

I've had enough layovers in Omaha and Kansas City to last a lifetime. I'd like to get bored with cities in the Eastern Hemisphere.

Every time I pass through a hub, it shortens my life--more so than flying long haul.

At AA, I have a chance to finish my career as an MD80 CA. At EK, I would have a chance to be a CA on a widebody. And, yes, there IS a difference.

If there is to be a pilot shortage in the U.S., the airline management has earned it and should rot in Hell for it. TC

P.S.--Maybe by being an expat, I could learn a second language (or at least understand the Brits better... ;) )