View Full Version : CPL Performance

2nd Feb 2008, 09:16
hey guys
I took my CPL AGK paper last monday and failed. am feeling pretty down at the moment. This was my second last paper and i thought i was going to smash it and just get it over with and then take performance. Ended up getting 66% on the exam and the world just came to an end! its worse than any gf cheating on you!

any tips for the second attempt? any good study technique that might mitigate the stress and down feeling?


2nd Feb 2008, 10:16
Hey Dude, don't stress, failed it twice, know what you're going through, excet for the whole gf cheating thing. Chillax, it will all work out in the wash, after all we're all just dirty motor plane drivers:}

2nd Feb 2008, 11:03
Don't worry mate just get back into it. The only tip i can give you is read the question properly and take your time. Its not the end of the world. Good luck on the next attempt. :ok:

2nd Feb 2008, 12:24
haha either uve never broken up wit ur gf or are majorly obsessed with aviation..yeh in all seriousness thou i failed a single finger digit of CPLs but passed all my ATPLs first time around...hope that makes ya feel better..no success comes without failure unless uve got a checkbook..good luck!


2nd Feb 2008, 19:50

Don't let it get you down, mate.

For me - I did as many practice exams as I could get my hands on. Every question I failed in the practice exam I would go back and restudy.

If you've got the ATC textbook, then get the Bob Tait, or vice versa. Sometimes when you don't fully understand the subject, it helps to get it explained a different way.

If you can, get a study partner and test each other.


2nd Feb 2008, 20:04
For some failing is the best way to learn. Be positive, you've already learned something. even if its just what you dont know. Work through the KDR and you'll be fine, its just the way these exams work. Then try the IREX!

2nd Feb 2008, 21:13
Just wait untill the ATPL!!

But all jokes aside, people forget or in fact have no idea in the first place, just how much dedication is required. We're all human and we all have lives. The reality is of course that without all the creds you are going nowhere.

Once upon a time a company I worked for required at least 2500 hours, preferably 1000 Multi IFR and at the very least all ATPL subjects completed. A good mate of mine found himself in the right place at the right time, and was given the job. the only thing he didn't have was the ATPL subjects. Commands were running at around 4 years so there was plenty of time. Or so he thought!

He had a young family, a mortgage, a life, etc... Now this guy was and is a very good operator, but the ATPL proved frustratingly elusive. I'm not sure how many times he sat it, but on one ocassion the mark was 69%!

He finally suceeded, but not untill he was bypassed for command for around 2 years!

The subject of this story eventually did what was required, and is a first rate Captain. But the point is that things do not always go to plan. Especially in the time frames that some have expectations about.

Maybe something for the clowns who believe they can turn a civillian into an airline pilot in 32 weeks to think about.

2nd Feb 2008, 22:54
I sat AGK on Monday out at archie, wondering if you were one of the other people in the ASL center at the time?

I managed to pass (80%), but must say I wasn't too confident hitting that submit button... Somehow think CASA delay the submission/marking of exams just to make sure that your DAME did his/her job properly and didn't miss a major heart condition! :}

I wouldn't stress to much, one of the guys in the center missed out by one mark, and another who studied his heart out and even got accomodation near the aerodrome so he could be well rested bombed out with a mark in the 50's.

I found that AGK was more an english test than anything, having to read a few questions a number of time until I could decipher what the examiner wanted!

Another thing I have found is many people memorise questions and answers from test-prep programs and from their study books, which can be to ones detriment as some of the questions are quite similar, but not the same, not to mention how they are often worded differently.

I'm doing all the study using the Bob Tait material, but also have the Val DicenHolland texts, they are much more in-depth as Bobs books, so work as a good backup to just revise some information already learned.

Don't give up mate. You will probably have a better understanding of the subject than most people who passed first go :ok:

Cap'n Arrr
3rd Feb 2008, 00:48
From memory AGK had the most typos in it too. GET A SPELLCHECK ASL!

Capt Wally
3rd Feb 2008, 19:03
Failing is a prerequisite for charactor building & experinece comes with practice. You didn't fail the exam as such you are just gathering experience & building that charactor. Such things take time.
Get back on that horse & ride man 'till you have subdued her !:)


5th Feb 2008, 03:59
Are you studying from the Bob Tait Series??

I did my AGK with his book - just do as many practice questions as you can.
