View Full Version : Meat Bombers at Barwon Heads

Crash Lander
2nd Feb 2008, 04:30
I was hoping that the caravan that's been parked on the East/West runway may have been removed by now, but upon my arrival, it was still there. I was also informed, once I got into the office, that a 'road' had been built on the land next door, some 200m from our runway, and parrallel to it. Council permits had 'allegedly' been acquired for construction of a 'road'.
However, this 'road' is about 700m long, and goes nowhere. It is however being used as a runway for a C182 to carry sky-divers out for dropping over Ocean Grove past Grubb Road (allegedly!).
It was also interesting to see that the pilot manning the a/c had landed once with the wind, and once into the wind so far that day, and he returned to the 'road' whilst we were there, without making a single circuit call. (We were listening for them, but they never came!)
I would doubt a planning permit would have been approved for a 'runway' there due to the fact that circuits at that strip would interfere with circuits at the already established Barwon Heads strip, only 200m away!
Will be interesting to see how long this lasts.:ugh:

Any a/c in the area should take extra care to watch out for a/c coming from/to this 'road', as they don't seem keen on announcing their position.
The 'road' is clearly visible from circuit height, as it is very clearly identifiable (wrongly of course!) as a runway.

2nd Feb 2008, 18:16
The Road

Well you flew that way too! this boy will certainly come undone one day with his disregard for the council in using his "ROAD" as a runway, is the pilot aware of his decision to abuse the council decision on this matter?

Well I really do not care but if it gives aviation that way a bad name he should be punished. Oh what happens if he needs to do a landing either east or west approach with the van there? now that would interesting.

I guess the owner will do a good wine (no it is spelt right) if he is stopped.

Nev Bartos
3rd Feb 2008, 23:52
I need to take some pax to Melbourne CBD next week. I want to land close to the city. Anybody know the condition of St Kilda Road and wether I will get the citation in and out ?

Article from Geelong Advertiser 04/02/08
Fury over illegal runway

Martin Watters



A BARWON Heads skydive operator is using an illegal airstrip after earlier claiming it was just ``a f...... paddock''.

Luke McWilliam began using a strip of private land as a runway for his Skydive City business on Saturday morning after last month promising earthworks were for a driveway.

The new airstrip endangers skydiving customers and pilots at the nearby Barwon Heads airport, Geelong Aero Club members say.

Mr McWilliam has not sought approval for a private runway and last month told the City of Greater Geelong recent excavation activity was for building roads to better access his property.

Mr McWilliam told the Geelong Advertiser last month he had not built a runway.

``It is just cr ap,'' Mr McWilliam said.

``It is a f...... paddock. We have put in a driveway for a truck entrance and heavy vehicle access throughout the property so we can get onto it. That is all that I have done.''

But on Saturday, just after 9am, a plane landed on the private runway with at least seven flights taking off and returning throughout the day.

Mr McWilliam did not return the Advertiser's calls over the weekend.

It is understood a council inspector witnessed flights on Saturday morning.

The City of Greater Geelong yesterday promised to investigate the airstrip.

City development manager Joanne van Slageren said the owner of the land had earlier been instructed he did not have permission to use any part of his property as an aircraft runway.

She said the landowner informed the council that he did not intend to use the property for that purpose.

Ms van Slageren said she would be meeting this morning with the council officers who went to the site on Saturday, to consider what action would be taken.

Aero club member Les Tyack said the runway posed a serious danger to pilots at the adjacent Barwon Heads Airport, about 200m away.

Mr Tyack said pilots using the new airstrip had showed ``deplorable'' radio communication on Saturday while trainee pilots used the nearby airport.

``We don't mind if he operates, but just not here,'' he said.

``The thing is with aviation there's certain regulations that you have to follow and safety is the number one factor.''

In 2004, Mr McWilliam pleaded guilty in Geelong Magistrates' Court to 21 aviation safety breaches.

The Civil Aviation and Safety Authority has a ban on Skydive City from operating parachute drops within 4.8km of Barwon Heads airport.

4th Feb 2008, 01:11
I'm heading out there this weekend with a dozer and a few jack hammers. I might take a few lts of oil with me to dump in his 182 tanks. Could these actions be considered as stupid as his complete disregard for others?? Bloody clown.

Anyone want to join me before he kills someone or makes a mess?

PS: For the hardcorers - i'm not beiong serious. Although, I do reserve the right to revoke this comment in the case that he really does need a kick up the backside.

4th Feb 2008, 07:54
Ho Ho Ho
Looks like Xmas has come early for some of us:D

4th Feb 2008, 08:57
Looks like his true colours are starting to appear, just a F*****g road in a paddock (his words to the press/council before the act), what goes through a mind like his then goes out and does what he was told not to do. Is the pilot in a bit of deep water over this crazy breach?

Next he will go and use the east-west (all of it,part maybe his) thinking in his own little world that it is ALL HIS property strange goings on !!!!!

Of course all this is only alleged until the law deals with it, pity about all the photo's I hear are around showing a bit of evidence. :=

4th Feb 2008, 10:25

Take a gander at Skydive City’s web page and one may be led to believe that it is one of the biggest operators in the country with the following facilities

A weekend Kiosk
Free barbeque facilities
Training facilities
A five and ten seater aircraft
Aerobatic flights available

The reality is:-

No weekend kiosk
No free barbeque facilities
No APF approval for training
No aerobatic flights are available
One tired old four seat C182 on cross hire
A shuttle bus driver
A pilot who must be mute (no radio calls)
Two tandem masters
A dirt track in an F------ paddock for a runway
And to access the wing to refuel a ladder, oh no a plastic chair and the fuel cell for this prestigious operation a 200 lt drum with a hand pump and where is it, yep that’s right in the F------ paddock.


4th Feb 2008, 10:27
Crashlander, you just continue to fly your little yellow Gazelle and let the CFI worry about looking out the window for the rogue 182, that is if your CFI hasn't illegally flown you into the clouds again like he did last time.

4th Feb 2008, 16:14
Don't worry when CASA finishes with this guy in court later this year he will never operate anywhere ever again. Despite the foolish advice he has been given by his lawyer, CASA will bury this operator. They have amassed a huge volume of evidence and the way he continues to operate he gives them more every day.

4th Feb 2008, 23:07

What’s you’re problem?

Training at YBRS is not conducted in a little yellow Gazelle and none have flown in recently.

My guess is you have your bollocks in a twist with Chrashlander and his CFI and haven’t got the guts to confront them.:\

Your post doesn’t have anything to do with Air Navigation Safety at YBRS and is of no interest to those concerned with providing a safe flying environment for all.:oh:

You’re attempt to harm the reputation of someone who is concerned with Safety may be seen as an endorsement for the lunatic antics of McSkydive.:suspect:


Nev Bartos
5th Feb 2008, 02:47
From the Geelong Advertiser 05/02/08
Skydive boss freefalls into legal stoush

Martin Watters


CITY Hall will take Skydive City boss Luke McWilliam to the Victorian Civil Administration Tribunal over his illegal runway.

The City of Greater Geelong yesterday confirmed it would seek an enforcement order from VCAT against the runway which was built without planning approval.

Skydive City boss Luke McWilliam earlier told the council that recent excavations on his property were for a road on his property adjoining the Barwon Heads Airport.

But yesterday the Geelong Advertiser revealed Mr McWilliam had started using the ``road'' as an airstrip with nine flights on Saturday and another four on Sunday.

Geelong Aero Club members said the airstrip was a danger, but a Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) spokeswoman yesterday said the watchdog would refuse to act as the strip was on Mr McWilliam's property.

The spokeswoman said the airstrip was legal with council approval, for which Mr McWilliam was yet to apply.

``As far as CASA is concerned, aviation operations are legal on land with the owner's permission, as long as they have received council approval,'' she said.

Yesterday, Mr McWilliam denied the runway was illegal, citing CASA regulations on private runways.

He did not comment on the outstanding council planning permit.

City Hall development manager Joanne Van Slageren said the council was ``in the process of lodging proceedings with (VCAT) regarding an enforcement order on the property.''

Aero club member Les Tyack said the new runway, within 200m of the existing airport runway, was a danger as it was within a trainee pilot circuit.

Mr Tyack said the new airstrip had already confused pilots during landing with some mistaking the new runway for the adjacent airport strip.

``It's a safety concern, today an aircraft had touched down and then climbed and went around again and had to land at the Barwon Heads airport,'' he said.

5th Feb 2008, 11:19

I buy int this very carefully and only for entertainment value so dont shoot the messenger eh,

but if the above is all correct the guy is operating a private aircraft from his own property.. Nothing wrong there as long as within POH

He has a caravan parked on his own land...well ??

He jumps elsewhere so the PARA mob unconcerned..

CASA has already said "no thanks" from previous posts...

It seems the ONLY people that have a legal right to complain are the local council.. if he has built an airport unaprovroved well that could be a concern.. but building a driveway that some guy has landed on... could be a long argument !!

Anyway as someone else said ..JUST THE FACTS...

Flying Binghi
5th Feb 2008, 11:28
Hmmm, interesting little thread.

I have no knowledge of, or interest in the goings on re the parachuters, etc, but it is interesting to see how the moment an aircraft lands somewhere, some people call it an airstrip.
If we take that idea a little further, any cattle property that has ever had a helicopter do some mustering, could now be called one big heli-pad... so is Australia actualy 50% helipad :E

I can see why CASA might want to stay out of this one :)

5th Feb 2008, 20:34
I think Mr McWilliams is asking for it. I'm not a lawyer but.....

While I quite sure he is correct about using his airstrip for private purposes, his skydive operation is commercial and that requires a permit from the council.

As for his alleged actions of running a strip in parallel with Barwon Heads and with no radio calls, the term "public nuisance" comes to mind.

I also wonder if the terms of the injunction against him would allow an action for contempt of court on the basis that he is interfering with the safe operation of the airport??

To me, if in fact it is proven that he is running a parallel runway with no radio calls, then it would be prudent for Barwon Heads to cease operation out of simple good airmanship. CASA can be called as a witness to what "good airmanship" means.

And people wonder why I give that airport and the area around it a very wide berth?????????

P.S. What sort of pilot would fly his aircraft?

Crash Lander
5th Feb 2008, 21:13
it is interesting to see how the moment an aircraft lands somewhere, some people call it an airstrip.

The runway markers, including clear threshold indicators and the windsock also help.

Flying Binghi
5th Feb 2008, 21:27
Crash Lander,
the windsock is irrelavent (tracter spray drift indicater etc)
...But clear runway markers/indicaters are probably a bit different, unless, the cones (if thats what they are) are mearly a slasher limit indicater (how far can the mower driver slash into the paddock before he hits rocks etc)
Threashold markers?, hay, He's a pilot - theamed driveway

Sunfish seems to have it covered - Council controls comercial operations in most cases :)

Clear to drop
6th Feb 2008, 00:10
A CI is not required to approve an ALA. CAAP 92-1(1) refers to guidelines for ALA’s, and details responsibilities. The PIC is responsible and to some extent the operator – no mention of CI.

If the activity was being undertaken under the guidelines of a Display a CI would not be required; however, a Licensed Display Organiser would be required, and they’d be more concerned with the parachutists landings, and not the aircraft.

6th Feb 2008, 00:20

The Geelong Advertiser 05/02/08 printed the following

A Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) spokeswoman yesterday said the watchdog would refuse to act as the strip was on Mr McWilliam's property.

The spokeswoman said the airstrip was legal with council approval, for which Mr McWilliam was yet to apply.

``As far as CASA is concerned, aviation operations are legal on land with the owner's permission, as long as they have received council approval,'' she said.


McWilliam DOES NOT HAVE COUNCIL APPROVAL therefore any operations carried out on the strip ARE ILLEGAL.

(never mind the pilot and his aircraft moor fool him he know's the score)

About time CASA and the APF got their shiny bums out of those comfy chairs and took some action.


Islander Jock
6th Feb 2008, 01:00
Why doesn't someone call the APF and ask the following?
What DZ is Mr McWilliam approved to operatate from?
When was the last safety audit conducted and by whom?
If he has moved DZ location from that previously nominated and audited, has he received approval from the state APF council to conduct training operations?

If he is conducting the drops as "public displays" to get around the above then have ALL his descents been given prior notice to the APF?

Flying Binghi
6th Feb 2008, 01:16
What exactly is the problem with parrallel (or nearby strip) operations ? it happens at many airfields around Oz (YBAF for one, YWSG is another) There are many private rural strips 'just over the fence' from one another - All safely operating.

I am staying out of whatever problems you lot have re the jump operations, but when there is a 'beat up' about the safety of nearby strip operations to suit somebodys personal agenda (or group agenda) - It affects many pilots and airfield owners around Oz.

I personaly am concerned about any legal precedent that may be set over this issue re closely located airfields/strips etc.

I would of thought this issue is best handled through the Councils commercial bussiness laws, and the parachute controling body.

6th Feb 2008, 02:09
CAR 92 Use of aerodromes
(1) A person must not land an aircraft on, or engage in conduct that causes
an aircraft to take off from, a place that does not satisfy one or more of
the following requirements: ....
(d) the place (not being a place referred to in paragraph (a), (b) or
(c)) is suitable for use as an aerodrome for the purposes of the
landing and taking-off of aircraft;
and, having regard to all the circumstances of the proposed landing or
take-off (including the prevailing weather conditions), the aircraft can
land at, or take-off from, the place in safety.

A, b, & c, speak of approved A/D's. (d) is in relation to 'private strips' as long as the operating a/c, i.e the PIC, has some means of determining wind direction.

Those are the CASA requirements. A lawyer would argue the above matters citing this Reg.

Further, I'm told the APF get, as a fee of some kind, approx $10 per jumper, everytime someone signs up for a tandem jump. Hence their reluctance to pull in the reigns on this operation. Conflict of interest issues here I would suggest.

However, the point of good airmanship and 'fly neighbourly' do raise issues. It does appear that the person with the spotlight on him does not like to be told 'no' by anyone.

If Barwon Heads is a nominated CTAF, where radio comms are required, then there may have a case to plead to CASA re unsafe practices by the adjacent property.

CAA 20A Reckless operation of aircraft
(1) A person must not operate an aircraft being reckless as to whether the manner of operation could endanger the life of another person.
(2) A person must not operate an aircraft being reckless as to whether the manner of operation could endanger the person or property of another person.

Part 2 of CAA 20A could be used to argue that said parachuting operations from the adjoining property is endangering etc etc due lack of radio calls from the operating a/c. In that, his/her actions are placing users of Barwon Heads aerodrome in danger. But someone would have to prove it and hold evidence.

It would appear that the council are the best bet to have the above matter resolved.

6th Feb 2008, 12:15
I would have thought that only a CTAF-R requires a radio as we are supposed to see and avoid otherwise for VFR regardless of if there is a dedicated CTAF frequency. Along the lines of Flying Binghi post alot more aerodromes with students flying around them have more to contend with then what I have read here, but as I do not know the full story have fun and fly safe.

nig not nog

6th Feb 2008, 23:42
Flying Binghi

No problems with parallel (or nearby strip) operations if the operations are carried out in accordance with the Regulations.

Obviously you’re not very well read on the situation at YBRS because in this case they are not and the illegal strip is inside the circuit of a training airfield.

As to personal agendas yours is perfectly obvious Quote.

“I personaly am concerned about any legal precedent that may be set over this issue re closely located airfields/strips etc.”

What you are really saying is, to hell with safety at YBRS if it looks like it is going to affect you.

Your statements a “dozen or so circuit op's and whatever problems you lot have” confirm the fact you have no idea what has and is happening at YBRS and as for the APF taking any action, I don’t think so as they receive payment every time someone signs up for a tandem jump.

nig & nog

I think you will find if the aircraft is equipped with an operational radio it is mandatory to use it no matter what.


Flying Binghi
7th Feb 2008, 04:25

Please keep in mind this thread is on a public forum and any one can have a say and offer suggestions - otherwise, whats this thread doing here?

I carnt see what is wrong with me making it plain to all where I am coming from and what my concerns are with this issue.
Those involved in this unforetunate situation are under no obligation to follow my advice - it was put to show how this situation apears to an outsider, and the possible results if it continues to snowball.

Pol, you might like to have a look around pprune to see how other Oz court decisions involving Councils and pilot landholders get quoted in reference to dramas.

Nev Bartos
7th Feb 2008, 08:47
Flying Binghi - Research the situation a YBRS before making comments. Dirt Darts at YBRS are illegal and have a CA$A ban within 3nm. McWally the operator has been in court numerous times due to safety breaches. The aircraft used last week on the illegal strip failed to comply with the regs posing a major safety concern. There is nothing wrong with parallel ops but do it buy the book. Get council approval / Have it appear on the VTC/VNC / Have a notation in the ERSA about its existence/ make the appropriate radio calls /concult local user groups and adopt an agreement. Which of these has Mcwally done .....nil. All we see is this rogue aircraft come barrelling in and out of this "F...... Road". If these antics continue there will be a accident. With safety our number one aim lets stop the dangerous behavoiur.

Flying Binghi
7th Feb 2008, 09:17
Nev. Can you confirm that I have the right airfield please.

From my ERSA -

Barwon Heads.... YBRS
AD operater, South Barwon Air Services
Remarks, PPR to land required
CTAF 119.0

...thats about it, no airfield map.

PPR = Prior Permission Required

Nev, my interest started when various posters started to imply closely located airfields are dangerous and that CASA should do something about it.

7th Feb 2008, 09:36
Nev Bartos

Don’t waste your time, Flying Binghi hasn’t got a clue, he’s just flapping his gums, the mouth is in gear brain still in neutral.:sad:


7th Feb 2008, 09:53

Don’t be to harsh, you may give the guy a complex; obviously he thinks he is one of the gifted people who have all the answers.:uhoh:

Answers to what I’m not sure, but you can bet he’s been there, done that and it was before and better than any else.:rolleyes:


Flying Binghi
7th Feb 2008, 10:09
Nev Bartos
Don’t waste your time, Flying Binghi hasn’t got a clue, he’s just flapping his gums, the mouth is in gear brain still in neutral.


Don’t be to harsh, you may give the guy a complex; obviously he thinks he is one of the gifted people who have all the answers.
Answers to what I’m not sure, but you can bet he’s been there, done that and it was before and better than any else.

Sounds like you boys are frightened about something - was this thread put in mearly to advertise just how right and justified your position is.

Do you have a problem with another pilot questioning a particular aurgument certain posters are using to attack this jump operater.

My posts are quite plain re my 'angle' and my preference for Council to handle this issue.

Just remember Boys, this is a public forum - if you do not like the input of others, go to your own private forum,

8th Feb 2008, 01:47
Flying Binghi

I believe this thread is being used to highlight the irrational and unsafe actions of the local skydive operator.

Your posts are quite plain re your angle that was pointed out previously.

I suggest you review your last sentence and take your own advice.

“this is a public forum - if you do not like the input of others, go to your own private forum”

Flying Binghi
8th Feb 2008, 02:25
inbetweenthesheets wrote -

Flying Binghi

I believe this thread is being used to highlight the irrational and unsafe actions of the local skydive operator.

Your posts are quite plain re your angle that was pointed out previously.

I suggest you review your last sentence and take your own advice.

“this is a public forum - if you do not like the input of others, go to your own private forum”

Sheets, I reread my last sentance - I am listening to your input. - I'm still here (at the whim of the moderater anyway :p )

Sheets, please keep in mind I'm not the one deciding the outcome down there - I am putting my veiws in regards to a concern I have with the direction some posts were taking.
Ecam put up a good post and Pol had a few points I took on board.

Perhaps you could reveiw your input Sheets.

Rocket Rob
8th Feb 2008, 19:23
Ahh a new weekend and probably some more dangerous antics from the Dancing Boy's paddock with the F*****g Road, (his words not mine) This man has a problem working out if he is guilty or not. (court case last year pleaded guilty to a number of charges but once out the court door screaming I am not guilty??) it should show his demeanor for any situation that he thinks is not right.

To the people saying a twin field is okay try figuring out why every now and then a downwind landing is used with the sock almost standing out showing the right direction (previous post suggested this) One good thing to come out of this is the jumping is now away from the field and I would think this suits everyone concerned about landing at Barwon Heads.

To the very young pilots this field has been in operation for FOURTY years (yes you guessed right you were not born) without problems being experienced by this operator (Skydive City) the east-west strip being used for over thirty until wonder boy decides it is on his property (one section) so he will spite all pilots from anywhere from using it because he cannot see or understand logic.:sad:

Flying Binghi
8th Feb 2008, 20:09
a downwind landing is used with the sock almost standing out

Rocket Bob,

As a mater of interest, what was the aircraft being used to land on a short road with this huge tailwind ? Something doesnt read right here.

Disputes over land - Have fun

9th Feb 2008, 07:28
Binghi, your approach to this matter is one of sweet reason, trouble is that "reason" doesn't work with this Gentleman, as court records show.

Binghi's taken permanent leave of absence due to being far too important to read this and the preceeding threads.


Rocket Rob
9th Feb 2008, 09:47

I do not remember saying it was a short runway, I stated it was a Road? and also said nothing about it being short either!! read a few of your posts and think a few have you sussed out!!

And disputes over land??? aircraft 182 and it performs quite well with five people aboard and at least four parachutes, maybe the pilot is wearing a chute too so say six parachutes. MMM is it overweight at that amount?

Clear to drop
9th Feb 2008, 10:50
It's certainly legal to carry 5 skydivers plus pilot in a 182. As long as there is sufficient single point restraints and weight limits are not exceeded. Fuel load is greatly reduced with 6 POB. Most 182 jump ships have performance mods, such as increased engine size - wing tip extensions, leading edge etc (STC'd of course!) to increase gross weight ops.

Pilots must also wear a parachute, and be trained in its use, when conducting para ops.

Rocket Rob
9th Feb 2008, 18:59
Clear to drop

Thanks for the answer, new it must have been a bit close to the limit with fuel, know 180 is fine. It carried near a tonne of super in the crop dusting days if my memory is correct.

Islander Jock
10th Feb 2008, 00:50
Clear to Drop.
Pilots must also wear a parachute, and be trained in its use, when conducting para ops.
Not quite correct but it certainly should be the case.

APF Op Reg: 5.1.14. A serviceable parachute and training in its use is to be made available to pilots of parachuting aircraft.

A pilot can legally fly skydivers without wearing an emergency parachute although there have been numerous occurrences around the world which lead to the conclusion that this would not be a very smart move.

Perhaps that part of the Op Regs should be re-visited along with the section that talks about broadcasting on "MTAFs":ugh: Obviously their Director of Aircraft Ops hasn't read the op regs or an AIP in about 10 years or more.

15th Feb 2008, 20:33
Just floating by and see this interesting read, any more come of it???

17th Feb 2008, 07:54
OK One can assume it does not happen anymore?

Crash Lander
17th Feb 2008, 08:23
I haven't been near the field for a couple of weeks, so I can't comment.

21st Feb 2008, 07:46

Today’s Goss

McWilliam was evicted from the hangar he used as an office today.

Apparently there is an issue with non payment of rent and rubber cheques.

FIVE yes FIVE coppers in three cars arrived at the airport and McWilliam was escorted off the property.

I reckon there will be some good reading in the local rag tomorrow.


21st Feb 2008, 09:51

inbetweenthesheets is spot on

I was at the airfield today and witnessed the spectacle and I must say I can’t wipe the grin off my face and yes it was five coppers in three cars.:p

The hangar owner and a team of tradesmen arrived about 1.00pm, gained access to the hangar and then went about changing the locks and securing the premises.:)

The boy turned up caused a bit of a fuss so the cops were called and they escorted him not only off the property but back to his house. :=

Lot of happy people on the airfield today.;):)

pol :ok:

21st Feb 2008, 09:56

I just found this, it was in the Geelong Advertiser Tuesday 19-2-2008

Maverick ends illegal flights at Barwon Heads
Martin Watters

BARWON Heads sky dive operator Luke McWilliam has stopped flights from an illegal runway on his property as City Hall mounts a legal challenge.
It is understood Mr McWilliam has not hosted flights from a runway he built less than 200m from the existing Barwon Heads airport since the Geelong Advertiser reported the flights earlier this month.
On February 2 and 3 the SkyDive City boss used what he had earlier described to the City of Greater Geelong as a ``road'' for 13 flights over the weekend.
City of Greater Geelong spokesman John Merlo said the council never approved an airstrip on the property and told Mr McWilliam this in a letter in mid-January.
Mr Merlo said the council later rang the sky dive operator after the flights began.
``We were in telephone contact pointing out that he doesn't have permission to undertake landings and take-offs,'' he said.
Mr Merlo said the council's lawyers were preparing a brief to ensure Mr McWilliam does not continue to use the illegal runway.
Earlier this month the Civil Aviation and Safety Authority (CASA) spokeswoman said the aviation watchdog would refuse to act on the airstrip.
``As far as CASA is concerned, aviation operations are legal on land with the owner's permission, as long as they have received council approval,'' she said.
The Geelong Aero Club has labelled the runway extremely dangerous as it was located within a circuit for trainee pilots.
Club member Les Tyack said the airfield was a safety concern, especially after airport pilots had become confused between the two airstrips during landings


Crash Lander
21st Feb 2008, 11:14
:ok: Will be grabbing a copy of the Addy as early as I can tomorrow!:ok:

Nev Bartos
21st Feb 2008, 20:33
From Geelong Advertiser 22/02/08
Police evict maverick skydiver Luke McWilliam:=
Martin Watters


Police evict Luke McWilliam a hangar at Barwon Heads Airport yesterday.
POLICE escorted skydive operator Luke McWilliam from Barwon Heads Airport yesterday after he refused to obey an eviction notice.

Police were called to the airport when McWilliam refused to leave a leased hangar. It is understood he failed to make rent payments.

The eviction came as South Barwon MP Michael Crutchfield urged the aviation watchdog to investigate Skydive City, owned by Mr McWilliam.

Barwon Heads Airport management and users have been locked in a long-running feud with Mr McWilliam.

Mr Crutchfield wrote a letter urging the Civil Aviation Safety Authority to act after Mr McWilliam's business recently used an illegal runway on his property next to the airport.

Yesterday, several Bellarine police officers escorted the skydive boss to his neighbouring property after witnesses reported him becoming upset when the airport owner told him to leave.

The eviction squeezes Mr McWilliam out of the airport. He was banned from using the airport landing strips last May _ forcing him to use an illegal airstrip on his property or on another private runway.

An eviction notice from the landlord's lawyer, Martin Reid, of Geelong's Coulter Roache Lawyers, said Mr McWilliam was in breach of the lease and needed to vacate the hangar by yesterday.

Mr McWilliam told the Geelong Advertiser yesterday he would only answer written questions by email and not before last night's deadline.

Bellarine police were unable to provide further details, but cited the intervention as a ``civil matter''.

Mr Crutchfield wrote to CASA yesterday after the aviation watchdog previously refused to act on the illegal airstrip which Mr McWilliam told City Hall was simply a ``road''.

The MP's letter said Mr McWilliam's operations were questionable and that the aviation watchdog should review Skydive City's licensing and safety procedures.

``I believe these operations and activities not only potentially threaten other Barwon Heads Airport operators/pilots but also local communities which aircraft fly over,'' Mr Crutchfield wrote.

``In my view, CASA in the past have been slow to respond to complaints at this airfield and I would welcome your assistance in having this matter thoroughly investigated.''

The City of Greater Geelong was currently mounting a legal challenge on the illegal airstrip that was built without council approval.

Mr McWilliam previously explained the airstrip was just ``a f:mad: paddock'' and recent excavations on his property part of a road network.

Days later, 13 flights associated with Skydive City used the airstrip, located within 200m of the existing Barwon Heads Airport runway.

Time is running out Master Luke.

22nd Feb 2008, 05:52
Oh I guess things are happening in this area after all, CASA surprise me they stick there head you know where and claim "I no nothing" sgt. schultze must be in charge. A local polly (no pun intended) has now stepped in GOOD ONE maybe sanity will prevail in this place after all.

Fluff (no no not a fa*t)

5th Mar 2008, 08:50
Um... I learned to skydive there. The first thing that I heard about all this was when Clare Barnes died there. Just this morning I don't know what made me think of it but I searched for Luke McWilliam in Google (who was my instructor) and WOW.... totally messed up.

It was one of the best weeks of my life, skydiving there. From what I can remember there was Luke, Greg (who taught my sister) and Hoagsie who piloted a Pilatus Porter at the time... That was a great aircraft. My first jump was from the C206 piloted by a guy I can't remember his name, but I gather this one has now been crashed into a fish&chip shop?

Whilst I was there, there was one bloke who, on his Stage 3 jump managed to get himself caught up in the power lines just to the side of the runway. I was standing with Luke on the LZ whilst he was showing the guy where to go using that massive arrow... Basically, the guy wasn't following instructions and flew into the power lines. he was dangling there and the wind was picking up. So he decided to cut away and fall to the ground before the pylons collapsed and he got zapped. Broke both his feet IIRC.

I have to say I can't believe that there were this many safety violations at the place where I learned! Although after looking more closely at some video that my sister and I have, there are a couple of rather low altitude canopy deployments and at least one certain drop through cloud...

How the hell the plane can land before the skydivers (even when really trying) I have no idea, but I have some piccies of the angle at which he came in over the runway... insane. He kept getting reprimanded by the security officer for that.

They were all decent people there and I had an excellent time - for me it was cash well spent. I'm just a tad shocked that it's gone this way