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View Full Version : Sinus Tachycardia.. problem?

31st Jan 2008, 07:38
Is this a problem? My heartbeat rate is at 100bpm. Problem for a 17y/o?

31st Jan 2008, 08:46
You Need to supply more information, height, weight, smoker, drinker, what method did you use to take your HR, was it a rest, are you normally fit, diet etc

You will need to do an ECG to get a class 1, so you may as well do it now and it would tell you a definite (well, 95%) answer .

100 at rest for a tall fit adult aged 17 would be a little on the high side, 100 for a slightly built small unfit adult could be quite normal, but , as the DAME's are always saying , everyones different!.

31st Jan 2008, 09:40
Height - 175 cm (not accurate) but I'm around 5'7-5'8
Weight - 150+
Drinker - No
Smoker - No
Method - ECG?
Fit - somehow (not exercising)
Diet - No diet
Rest - Yes

I was a little nervous when I took this test because I was waiting for an electric shock. :ugh:

In any case, will this disqualify me from attaining 1st class med?
Life threatening? no?

31st Jan 2008, 11:04
I can't answer either the disqualification question , or indeed the life threatening one, if you are concerned you should exhaust all possibilities with your designated medical aviation examiner.

100 could be quite normal in certain circumstances , for example I'm 42 (ignore the profile) and normally at rest is 56, yet a recent class 1 renewal sent my "at rest" up to 67, when I train for fitness I average 140 , peak at 180+ and recover at 105 , so everyone is different.

I suggest you see a medical examiner, and explain your concerns up front and make sure they are aware of your "nervous-ness", everyone suffers from "white-coat-itis" at some stage or other......... :ok:

Oh that's super!
31st Jan 2008, 13:39
Height - 175 cm (not accurate) but I'm around 5'7-5'8
Weight - 150+
Drinker - No
Smoker - No
Method - ECG?
Fit - somehow (not exercising)
Diet - No diet
Rest - YesIf "150+" is in metric, I think you would be wise to see a doctor about it and also discuss your concerns. In any case your local aviation authority or AME would be the best people to discuss your concerns about your sinus tachycardia issue in terms of the aviation medical.

31st Jan 2008, 15:19
Sounds like you were a bit nervous, what did the doc reading the trace say, and what's your pulse now?

2nd Feb 2008, 16:15
I got a second opinion from another doctor, AND I got my heartbeat rate to a 70bpm. Was just nervous the first time, that's all.
