View Full Version : Mexican commercial helicopter certificate

31st Jan 2008, 02:19
Does anybody know what does it take to get a rotorcraft commercial certificate in Mexico? What kind of tests? Here's my info. Dual citizenship (USA and Mexico), have FAA commercial rotorcraft certificate. Any info would greatly be appriciated. Thanks

31st Jan 2008, 16:59
Hi Gila, it's easy to get it, basically you have to take some ground school about ICAO requirements, it take you around 4 months in any mexican aviation school, after that you have to get a Medical Certificate and proving your mexican citizenship you can get the mexican Comercial License, it could be good if you get your Instrument ticket in the States before (cheaper) 'cause is kinda requirement to get a job in Mexico. PM me if you wanna get some job contacts or more info.

1st Feb 2008, 01:49
An FAA CPL can easily be converted (convalidacion) to a Mexican DGAC CPL, I did it without having to do a single hour of ground school or written test, it's mostly paperwork, you need your documents notarized, and have them stamped by with the "apostille" and some other misc stuff, it costs a total of about $500.00 dollars for the official part.

Keep in mind . . . the rules clearly state that to be a CPL in Mexico you have to be Mexican by birth AND NOT have acquired any other nationality, so be careful there.

I have a friend and she just went thru the whole process in about 3 weeks and only took the check-ride, with a fixed wing pilot examiner who just wanted a ride in helicopter.

As for the IFR, it's always a nice thing to have but not a must, most guys around here don't have it, but it will help you expand if you have it.

I fly an A109E and 2 guys that I fly with don't have any IFR experience whatsoever, nor do they have the rating, at least around Mexico City it's almost impossible to fly IFR legally since it's so high, to depart MMMX, your airway MOCA's are at least 14,000 feet.

Here is a pic I took a couple days ago here in Mexico City!

1st Feb 2008, 02:11
Hey blender, check you pm...