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View Full Version : EK 2008 exchange rate protection!!!!!!!!!

30th Jan 2008, 02:13
Ek pilots check your erp for your Jan Pay. Mine is linked to the uk pound and it is less than half what I normally get. The Dollar gets weeker and we get less???? Something not quite correct. Ek say that it is....Have a look and post your replys!

30th Jan 2008, 04:30
Mine is fine, linked to the $CAD though, not Sterling.

Good luck man.

30th Jan 2008, 18:27
Well put Pixy. The US Index is a consistent benchmark designed to measure the US Dollar Strength. EK's "Rolling Average" is simply a baseline that is essentially meaningless and does not cater for long term depreciation.

I suppose the idea was that long term depreciation would be handled through salary reviews but ask anyone who has been here for 10 years if this has been the case and the answer is a resounding and provable - NO.

We must get used to the idea that anything from ERP will evaporate and salaries have been in a consistent decline for years.

Tighten your belts everyone, if you have been getting the full ERP benefit recently, prepare for a cut in your takehome packet.