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View Full Version : Jetstar The Poacher 11

29th Jan 2008, 12:29
If we ever needed more positive proof of the link between PPRuNe moderators and Jetstar management, THEN the premature closure of the below, fledgling and active thread is it!

One loose word by one poster closes a new thread... nepotism at its best!!! :mad:

BTW, the word concerned is NOT viewed by the greater public as offensive. Just a lame excuse for the moderators. :rolleyes:

The concerned thread;

The genius management team at Jetstar have just realized that poaching the main players from Tiger Airways will hobble the rising giant.

I hear the Chief Pilot,Training Manager, Ops Manager, along with almost every other Tiger pilot, has been offered a very desirable position within Jetstar. Even senior Tiger first officers have been offered DE commands in Jetstar. :confused:

Many of those contacted have been rejected outright during the selection process in the past, apparently they are now very acceptable.

Although... many of the Jetstar key players have never been though the selection process or in fact, have failed it, only to be given a management position.:cool:

Ethical? Not a philosophy associated with Jetstar management.:suspect:

Ralph the Bong
29th Jan 2008, 16:45
Chill UNOME.;)

I agree, a big joke. But who would leave Tiger for J*? What could J* offer the Flight Ops team at Tiger that would entice them away? Has Mark been offered the Squeeler's job? (that would be funny!).

Sounds like J* are increasingly desparate.

29th Jan 2008, 17:55
Sort your life out, UNOME. You've got no idea of who I am. I could not be more distanced from Jetstar than any other contributor to these forums.

The thread was closed because it was degenerating AND because of the use of that word. We mods decided years before you joined that such use of the word was not appropriate in these forums.

We don't have to justify our actions to you or anybody else on PPRuNe (except Danny). If you don't like it, get out!

Nepotism is to do with jobs for kids. What does that have to do with me? I would never recommend a career in aviation to my kids :}:}

And it's knobbled (as in horse), not hobbled :}

We will let this thread run for the moment. Your behaviour will decide whether it remains open.

Cranky TID.:suspect:

29th Jan 2008, 18:07
I don't know tid, ............since you brought it up.

Unome might be corect on that bit of grammar -

to hobble

To restrict a horse with hobbles.
To walk unevenly.


29th Jan 2008, 21:35

I have no argument that you have the surpreme right to moderate (and educate) we PPRuNers as you see fit.

There is however, a very obvious trend involving the restriction of any "perceived" negative Jetstar threads.

The poacher thread is very factual and more than newsworthy, for both Tiger and Jetstar pilots.

So we don't make the same mistake again here, which part of the thread did you personally find "degenerating"?

Ralph...funny that you should say "chill". It is bloody freezing here in London, hence my lurking (and getting in the poo) on PPRuNe!!

I only know the CP Ken through his QF brother. The word is that DEC and some management/ training/ checking roles are being offered. :ok:

29th Jan 2008, 23:41
What was the word then? I'm hanging to find out. I suspect it was the "Y" word used in relation to our SA cousins. I have seen it before on PPrune though although i wouldn't use it myself.
All in all i found the thread interesting though as it highlights how desperate things are becoming here in Oz. I might be in for a shot yet. Gotta get some more hours up first tho :O

30th Jan 2008, 00:14

I think J* are actively poaching pilots anywhere they can. I would suggest it is merely an anti-inflationary tactic aimed at preventing a wage blowout ( sic ).

I hear they have targeted Dragonair's check & training department too- where despite a modest payrise a handful have taken up a J* offer.

30th Jan 2008, 02:07
That's what airlines have been doing for years. It's cheaper to pinch someone else's pilots than it is to train your own.

30th Jan 2008, 02:57
Its cause he said Jetscab

30th Jan 2008, 04:10
Has anyone actually "crossed over"? From what I hear, that wouldn't offer any particular advantage...

30th Jan 2008, 10:05
Whats wrong with the Y.... word?



yarpies (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/yarpies)

yarpie (plural yarpies (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/yarpies))

(pejorative, slang) A Caucasian (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Caucasian) South African (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/South_African) man.

We don't want Jetstar turning into Bondi Junction.

Solid Rust Twotter
30th Jan 2008, 11:14
Yarpie? So what? I is what I is.....:E

Please tell me the Skippies haven't become sensitive little chrysanthemums.:rolleyes:

Sticks and stones and all that crap....:}

Edited to add: It's spelt Japie and is a contraction of the name Johan. Just so you get it right...:ok:

30th Jan 2008, 20:16
Gee why would you not leave Tiger for Jetstar

Are you people really that stupid.

THe conditions and money is heaps better from what I hear
You have a career path if you choose

NZ X man
2nd Feb 2008, 01:33
I am sorry, not going to get involved with the mud slinging, but could someone give me a contact for tiger, would like to submit a resume if at all possible.

Thanks in advance:)

Ralph the Bong
2nd Feb 2008, 02:30
Yeah, I might drop Tiger a line as well. Only so I can make a "deal" with J* and get poached!

Let's see... I think the post of "Director General Flying Operations and Safety" would be a good starting offer from Jetstar.

Jet* to pay for J class transport and premium hotel accomodation during interview period. Plus meals. And drinks.

Starting salary $500k. With options. Saturdays and Sundays as RDOs. Office with view. Two J* FAs (female) to assist me with my personal 'requirements'.

J* to pay for removal costs, plus legal and stamp duties...

Have I left anything out?? :cool:

2nd Feb 2008, 02:52
maybe add in;

complimentary annual Qantas Club membership and
of course priority upgrades when on staff travel - (but I believe the LAMES will get their upgrade first)

a whole new meaning for what they call Star Class ...........

jack red
2nd Feb 2008, 04:23
You want to fly for Tiger?.....................

GO CAT ! (http://www.tigerairways.com.au/about_us/careers.php#pilots)

3rd Feb 2008, 18:48
I feel the same way, I don't frequent here as often as I used to and I now rarely post for I feel the moderators are doing more than that these days. From the side line you can see they are pushing there views and opinions and justifying it by their position.
They seem to forget that this site is the profesional pilots RUMOUR network.

Moderators should let threads be, sure when they get turned into a big mud slinging fight then step in, but if one or two bad words get said, just let it be.

tail wheel
3rd Feb 2008, 19:44
"If we ever needed more positive proof of the link between PPRuNe moderators and Jetstar management..."

Probably the most incorrect/untrue statement I've seen on PPRuNe in over a decade! :}

Of the twenty four threads on Page one of Dunnunda Reporting Points, four relate to Jetstar, six relate to Qantas, a total 40% Qantas Group. We often have too many Qantas/Jetstar threads in Dunnunda, many of which are interrelated, hence are merged into one thread.

It may come as a surprise, but there are some of us not associated with the Qantas Group in any way, who would like to read other aviation topics of wide industry interest. :ok:

Tail Wheel

3rd Feb 2008, 20:49
It may come as a surprise, but there are some of us not associated with the Qantas Group in any way, who would like to read other aviation topics of wide industry interest. :ok:

Woohoo!!! Hear, Hear!!! YUP, bring it on!!! :)

6th Feb 2008, 11:18
I am only observing from the edge of a beer sodden bar...but why would anyone join that ....fight happening at Jetstar? I refer to the Jetstar EBA thread and general cockpit banta. :bored: