View Full Version : AIP Online

Karaya One
29th Jan 2008, 07:07
The Australian AIP, once upon a time, could be downloaded from the CASA website in it’s entirety.

At the moment it appears that you can only view the document online and in ‘bits’ at a time, which makes it a pain in the jacksy if you need to search the whole document for something.

This is obviously done by those magnificent money making wizards at CASA to, you guessed it, make more money.

Now that I’ve had my whine. Does anyone know if the document is available in electronic form (PDF) as a single file? And where can it be located.

Many thanks in advance.:cool:

29th Jan 2008, 07:28
Hate to burst your bubble sport but I think you will find it is Airservices Australia who are responsible for the publication, online or otherwise, of the AIP.

29th Jan 2008, 07:52
CASA control the content of AIP.

Air No services Australia (ANsA) makes us pay through the nose and controls the publication and PRICE of AIP.

ANsA tried to get a lowly paid clerical person to EDIT AIP but "the world's second best fighter pilot" got on their six and we had a reasonable service while he was editor.

His successor, paid at a low rate, tried his best to keep AIP in a usable form but the bulldust his bosses were throwing at him combined with the lure of a better paid Regional airline job was jsut too much.

Since then there has been no official AIP editor and it is being proposed that the job go to one of our flightwatch buddies in Brisbane who has redundancy hanging over his/her head when ATC finally take over flightwatch, regardless of the enquiry outcome.

Karaya One
30th Jan 2008, 08:53
Thanks for the replies guys.

Yes sorry about the mix up with CASA/Airservices.

Still can't see why this document cannot be in a user friendly version as it should be instead of what it has become on the net.

compressor stall
30th Jan 2008, 09:19
There are a number of freeware programs that allow you to download a webpage and all its linked webpages to a certain number of links 'deep'.

Apparently. :suspect:

30th Jan 2008, 09:38
Compressorstall has the right idea.

Try this: http://www.downthemall.net/ ... lots of similar tools out there.

I point the download tool at the ASA site when the docs are updated and appear in the mail.