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3rd Dec 2001, 13:00
Anyone here is familar with D.G. class 7 requirements? The question is about allowed quantity per package for UN2912. Too complicated instructions in D.G. manual :(

3rd Dec 2001, 15:18
Lets see. UN2192 is an LSA-1 (Low Specific Activity).
I'll investigate and get back to you. Are you planning pax aircraft or pure freighter?

3rd Dec 2001, 17:49
Intended for carraige on pure freighter.
Requested amount - 20 drums x 150 kgs each (gross weight)
Thnx in advance

3rd Dec 2001, 18:15
LSA-1 is defined in
What radionuclide are we talking about? Based on what it is, we can check the max. TBq per 10.4.A (other form).
10.5.B shows that we'll need either a an Industrial Package Type 1 or 2 depending on the state of our radionuclide. This using "Not under exlusive use" (exclusive use is generally military/govt special licences/permits etc etc).

Basically, you need the exact commodity so that you can find it's max. permitted activity. This is then the answer you're looking for. Weight is not a factor (at least for us in the industry - I believe their is a max ratio TBq/Kg depending on the radionuclide, but that is the shipper's job)

Hope of some help.

3rd Dec 2001, 19:55

Are you interested in checking it or loading it? Do you trust the Handling/Cargo Department/Agent?

Not being funny but if you're just into the loading & the shipment is a) from a experienced shipper & b) has a fully completed check list, then all you need worry about for loading is the TI & min. distances in 9.3.D, 9.3.E & 9.3.F. If you're checking it then the standard check list at the back of the DGR manual for Radioactive (check the correct one effictive 01 July 2001!) should cover AS LONG AS THE SHIPPER IS REPUTABLE. If the shipper is asking you what to do, suggest you don't touch it with a barge pole!

Good luck & just remember, if it all goes wrong, they'll be able to pick up all the bits after dark 'cos they'll be glowing!

3rd Dec 2001, 20:28
Commodity is PYROCHLORE. Originating airport for this cargo is the place where you can not trust anyone and this is why I'm asking to be able to check shipper/handling knowledge on this matter.

3rd Dec 2001, 20:53

I've just run this passed our DG Department & they agree that short of being a Rocket (Nuclear?) Scientist, with full access to the type of radionuclide properties & activity level it's going to be next to impossible to evaluate. As CR2 says, it's not the weight, it's the activity. If it is indeed UN2912, then it's non fissile or fissile excepted so the explosive characteristic should not be a factor.

Check out Max TI per package is 10 & under 9.3.C for Cargo Aircraft the max per a/c is given (Non-fissile/Fissile - exclusinve use/Non exclusive etc).

As before, good luck!