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1st Dec 2001, 10:27
why are they 'CUT'.

1st Dec 2001, 12:32
Excellent question. I've wondered about that one too.
I'll ask our import/export people on Monday.

The Guvnor
5th Dec 2001, 21:37
Probably for the same reason that cheques are!

Actually, I believe it's an American term.

5th Dec 2001, 22:10
And why is the writ for an election "dropped"?

8th Dec 2001, 00:11
Until I landed in the UK I didn't know what a "bowser" was. :eek:

Ball Bay
24th Dec 2001, 17:22
In the days before airplanes and typewriters, shipping documents were hand written certified copies; next was the wax covered blue-backed paper that the Gestetner used to make multipul copies of Ships Manifests, Waybills and GD's, which had to be "cut" to allow the "Meths" based agent produce a sweet smelling, blue-washed out copies that became the standard multi-part document before carbon paper was invented. The typewriter & carbon paper took over less than 12 page forms, then the almighty photocopier was born & once an economical office machine, did away with most except where the old fashioned manual AWB's are cut today.
Can still remeber the multi-port Pax/Cargo manifests being cranked out in the shed by the tarmac, six copies per port (C.I.Q., plus agent, HO & the ship's copy), GD's, etc.; 4 ports in a days run; a sh!t load of paper for the ships bag in clearances alone. No paperless office in those days.