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View Full Version : Aus IF rating & conversion or JAA

24th Jan 2008, 05:17
Hi guys,

Hoping you may be able to offer some advice regarding the road to take. I am currently in Australia and plan to move to the UK mid year. I have an Aussie ppl and I have completed the ATPL subjects. When I get to the UK the plan is to train at Stapleford Flight Centre for my cpl/ir however I was wondering whether it worthwhile completing an instrument rating here and then converting it to JAA when I get to the uk or I should I simply do the entire rating in the UK.

It would be cheaper to do the IF here and convert back but would potential employers look unfavourbaly at this? I have heard that there is increasing preference for people to have done cpl/ir/mcc all at the one place and by doing a conversion instead of initial issue whould this put me out of this catagory.

Sorry for the long winded post but I would really appreciate advice, particularly anyone who has done the same thing.

