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View Full Version : Question for Channex 733 drivers?

international hog driver
25th Oct 2001, 13:03
The company I am contracted to is eyeing 733QC's that fit the proposed operation. Whether they are Postie or Lufty it does not matter.

The question I have is... how long does the QC take to refit from pallets out to seats in, and vice verse.

If the bins and rubber jungle stay in, what is the turn around.

This is a planning question that I dont think has been seriously addressed and I would like some actual times from the workers not what the sales men and reps tell us.

Thanks in advance, either post here or mail me. :rolleyes: :D

27th Oct 2001, 16:48
The 733QC takes about 45 minutes on paper to role change. At STN it has been managed in less than 25 mins when it has been really necessary.

The overhead lockers and rubber jungle remain in the cabin the whole time. The containers used are the right size so that they don't foul the gubbins up there. With that said the bins can on and offloaded using a hi-lo in the same time as any oter frieghter that uses aby containers.

hope this helps