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View Full Version : Frightening! Europe LCC, could this happen here?

23rd Jan 2008, 10:51
Have a look at this link, it runs for about 47mins. Behind the scenes look at a European LCC. Could this or does this happen here wih local LCC's?
Maybe it is just a media beat up, and the airline hasn't had a accident, but they work their staff bloody hard.


23rd Jan 2008, 11:43
Do you think you could give a summary? I don't have time to sit through 47 minutes of something.

24th Jan 2008, 01:06
UK investigative report type show sends two reporters to work as CC in RYan Air. They take miniature cameras through their training and then on to line flying. Key issues identified by report include:

- Poor training standards. Crew pay 1400ps to train and receive little to no time in an actual aircraft. Instructors present incorrect information and indicate openly what information will be examined.

- Heavy focus on Ryanair's 25 minute turn around, which results in limited cabin preparation, safety checks and even encourages boarding staff to ignore passport checks. CC member directly advised not to bother with passport. and fronted when she does.

- Ignoring potential defects which were safety equipment related.

- Limited security screening processes, whereby new crew would not receive their ASIC (equiv) for some months, leave most on temporary passes. Temp passes freely available and references for crim history checks written on spot by other new crew.

- Some discussion on limited service, particularly in relation to poor service and passenger communication during delays and diversions.

- Fatigue in both CC and pilots. FO notes that he flies 99.9 hours per month and will be off work for some months once he hits 900 for the year. Lots of footage of CC nodding off during duty with strong suggestion this is due to heavy workload and limited sleeptime outside of work.

- Perhaps the most concerning from my perspective, CAPTs comments indicating his job would be in jeopardy if he were to declare the crew too fatigued to fly. Noted that another CAPT had been demoted for refusing to fly additional sectors because he was too tired. Comments from both flight crew strongly indicate that the company does not consider fatigue sufficient reason to refuse to fly.

Some interesting points - some can be explained with a "don't expect service you don't pay for" type comment. Others you could chalk up to media/uninitiated spin on the aviation environment. Still others you would probably at least have to raise an eyebrow to.

Interested in thoughts from aussie LCC bretheren - what it the normal turn - around time? Is there any type of schedule over service pressure? My impression is that VB and JS are not quite the same LCC model as Ryanair, and that this type of attitude is not prevalent, but I'd like to hear from someone in the know.


24th Jan 2008, 02:09
Not surprising really. You only have to read some of the threads on this site from ex and current Ryanair employees. It's how they do business and why they are so profitable. Sooner or later things will fall apart.

I flew with Ryanair (SLF) back in 1997 and i must admit it didn't seem that bad but maybe their standards have dropped (a lot) since then.

24th Jan 2008, 02:14
And who says they don't have GA in Europe?:}

24th Jan 2008, 02:33
A lot is made of the supposed differences between GA and RPT airline flying.
It appears that when you get the real facts the difference is not that great. Much of it is hype.