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View Full Version : changing school

20th Jan 2008, 22:37
hi all,

i am currently studyin at basair aviation in bankstown,sydney. i've at the ppl stage of the courrse and am lookin to change school, not quite happy with the school. i intend joinin sftc. any suggestions and advice??

thanks all.

26th Mar 2008, 14:24
i finishe d training with them. overall i was very happy, mostly because the instructors are amazing. but its like any of the big schools in ysbk. pretty overcrowded and not nough instructors. they are working on brining on more aircraft and instructors. the problem is the ebst instructors are moving on and joining airlines or charter ops. lots of new inexperienced instructors around. still i would reccomend the place. i had a good experience. if you are in bk then go visit the school and chat to some of the students there and some instructors. everyone is pretty friendly and will give you a good picture of whats happening. if you want to finish your curse in a flash then it wont happen here. just like it wont happen elsewhere. be patient. work hard at your training. ultimately your standard will only be as good as you want it to be.
in a nut shell... its a very good school. bestthing is for you to go check it out since you are there already. there are some other students too who have switched and i think that they found it better at sftc. good luck