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View Full Version : QF LAME EBA8: the deathly silence.

20th Jan 2008, 03:05
Everyone's been awfully quiet about the QF LAME EBA8 negotiations. Am I looking in the wrong place?

The latest I've heard is that the company & union have sorted all outstanding issues except the 5%, and the company have told the union that they'll only get 3% with no sweeteners because of the US Govt fine (and a possible EU one) for the Freight cartel, the share price falling, increased competition (Tiger, V Australia), the profit outlook for '09 etc etc ad nauseum - the usual QF 'Oh woe is us bad times ahead' spiel. Anyone heard anything???

The closer we get to 1 Feb without any info, the worse it looks. QF delaying tactics?

One ray of hope is that on 1 Feb all State & Fed industrial minister meet for the first time in 18 months: killing WorkChoices is on the agenda. I cant see it dead and buried till July though...

20th Jan 2008, 03:33
Just sitting back and not feeding Q with any ammo to fire at us.
Awaiting the order to charge if need be. No doubt there will be
notices coming out this week? :cool:

PS The silence will be killing then!

Haaa haaa.....:p

20th Jan 2008, 03:39
Yeah, SC you're right. Just be cool...

26th Jan 2008, 12:36
Come 1st Feb, make sure your mortgage is paid up.....

There's a storm a brewing....

Most danger is when there is no feedback.

do I hear walk out / lock out?

what say you, fedsec????

27th Jan 2008, 01:00
I suggest Mr Knuckle dragger that you are a fear and uncertanty merchant, most probably a company stooge or management. You will not be collecting any information to report back from these forums.
The rank and file members are ready for all outcomes.
Watch for any new notices boys and girls.

chemical alli
27th Jan 2008, 02:40
so far everyone is cool, super cool, so cool they could be fonzy.just go on about your normal day as usual and forget the posts from fud (fear,uncertainty and doubt) merchants.negotiations are still happening and with any sense this could all be resolved before the first.await the order for over the top if its not.