View Full Version : Naf confirmed as CEO of Gulf Air

18th Jan 2008, 04:51
The newspapers report that Bjorn Naf has been confirmed as the CEO of Gulf Air.
And that a Bahraini has to be found to become his deputy.
Well, well, well.
Let the game of Musical Chairs continue.

18th Jan 2008, 07:15
Whilst having a sherbert with a senior Gulf Air manager last evening we discussed Mr. Naf.
The opinion of my Gulf Air friend that while Mr. Naf has a good grasp of operational matters when it comes to sales marketing and other general financial matters his eyes glaze over as it all sails over his head.
Not exactly the best person to be CEO of an airline :uhoh:

But then again after the boards treatment of the last occupant no qualified person wants the job :ugh::ugh:

18th Jan 2008, 12:03
The majority of CEO's have a specialty. Whether in aviation or outside they often come with a background from finance, marketing or operations. Their area of expertise tends to lie in one area or another. So to expect B Naf to understand all the nuances is a bit much.

But a good CEO at a successful company will surround himself with highly competant people in every area - specifically those he is weak in. This is what GF has NEVER done. GF has always promoted and hired based on whether someone was Bahraini and, in Hogans day, if he was Austrailian. In every case connections played the primary role.

So now they confirm the CEO but say his right hand man has to be Bahraini - same old same old. Hamstring the the CEO.

On the other hand no self respecting manager would take a job at GF any longer because it reputation is too well know.

18th Jan 2008, 21:41
My thoughts.. at least we don’t have to deal with getting used to a new face in the top seat, and all that comes with it. Surely this is a little stability that Gulf Air desperately needs at the moment.

I don't claim to know half of the politics at Gulf Air. (I like to sit in my cushy chair and zone out). From what I have seen.. The board seems to have a little too much to do with the day to day operation of the airline, and not let the last few (not including JH, was not here) CEO's do their jobs properly. Until they do, the CEO position will be just as good as the Queen of England. Simply a figurehead.

Hope the culture changes


19th Jan 2008, 16:46
yeah no self respecting person would take a job that pays them excessive money tax free? GF will always be able to find a person that would take 40000BD amonth. Also how many senior management or CEO positions come up around the world?? I would bet not to many. Just a thought. Makes me laugh everyone loves to throw stones about GF and BN but i can guarantee they would love to be in BN position!!!:ok:

Not too small
19th Jan 2008, 17:05
I know you read this
I support you and GF needs young blood like you.
DONT brig back any of the old management the will use you and the company and bring shame to all see the history then look forward.

19th Jan 2008, 18:28
Better learn how to spell Aussie Trader...might come in handy:ok: