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View Full Version : US Department of Justice name Executives involved in Cartel

16th Jan 2008, 07:11

16th Jan 2008, 09:36
Very dissapointed to see that GD looks like he might come out of this one scot free
"wow, i cant believe u guys would do that":*:suspect:

Would love to see how this would have played out if it was a US company that got caught.

Obviously the buck stops way south of the CEO. Maybe if those named get canned GD can up his bonus for "cost cutting"?

16th Jan 2008, 09:54
Peter Frampton - is that the 70's rocker?

Frampton Comes Alive!

16th Jan 2008, 10:08
A lawsuit has now also been filed against Qantas. Could get interesting if it goes to court, I am sure then we will find out who really knew what.


Capt Fathom
16th Jan 2008, 10:33
US Department of Justice name Executives involved in Cartel

I doubt it. Outed by their own.
Thrown onto the sword to save those at the top!

16th Jan 2008, 11:08

another superlame
16th Jan 2008, 11:29
This isn't bad news it is there own doing. It just goes to show that they aren't above everyone and everything. It might make them wake up to themselves

18th Jan 2008, 09:05
I know this game go straight to jail, don’t pass go and don’t collect your bonus...:=

2 spots available for corporate criminals as the HIH guys are out...:E

GD MJ your up next...or should be....

5 profit upgrades since the sell recommendation, bad very bad.....:suspect:

18th Jan 2008, 23:53
"Final responsibility can never be delegated"

Well that is what I was told very early in my working career.

What appears to be happening now is that top management are trying to tell us that all these happenings are "unauthorized by top management" but they know to the nearest dollar how any department/section of an entity is performing!
