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View Full Version : Alitalia

30th Aug 2000, 05:22
I am interested in flying for Alitalia. Does anybody know anything at all about them or pay?

1st Sep 2000, 14:56
Think about it very carefully. As long as the government is as heavily involved as it is, it will never live up to its potential, and they are running out of time. There are a lot of plans about from other carriers to serve this lucrative market if Alitalia can't get its act together. BAD MANAGEMENT.

1st Sep 2000, 15:06
Thanks Otterman, unfortunately there are not many Airlines flying DC-9 s, which I am rated in. Don't have a lot of choice unless I can get EU passport. If I did get an EU passport then I could get a flying job in about 15 countries, is that correct? And I woudn't have to be rated in any particular aircraft, correct?