View Full Version : Class one Peak flow

13th Jan 2008, 12:23
I was just wondering what value do you have to get on a peak flow meter? to pass the initial class one medical??

mau mau
13th Jan 2008, 12:26
If you llok at JAR FCL-3 (medical) you will find all the informations you need for every single test.

13th Jan 2008, 14:39
I was there last week and passed with a blow of 550. 75% on the FEV1. I can usually get over 600 in the house on one of those little tube testers.

15th Jan 2008, 20:43
It's now really a peak flow. Similar but much more complex.

Its called a Spiromtery exam. You will do 2 types of tests with 3 go's at each.

The first will measure your total lung capacity co you take a massive deep breath then blow into the machine until literally every single gasp of air is out of your lungs.

The second measures how quickly you can deplete the air in your lungs. You basically do the same as the first test but this time you do it as quickly as possible. Can't remember what I got but it was pretty good. Having said that, going to the gym 5 times a week helped this bit for me being an ex smoker.

Hope this helps.

CS :ok: