View Full Version : Wannabee advice

12th Jan 2008, 08:23
I earned my CPL(H) and PPL(A) back in the early nineties, but due to sudden change in my life, had to restrict my flying. I have managed to get up a few hours over the years since then (about 400), half rotary and half fixed wing (mainly on 182RG, 210 and pressurised 337).

While I have accumulated many skills since then (degree in IT, road train licence, root-cause investigator, and currently studying masters in safety science), the draw to aviation is ever strong...

The Question(s):
I am keen to take conversion exams for CPL(H) to CPL(A) and then take the flight test etc... what sort of other qualifications and hours should I work towards to allow me a chance at a commercial position? (Note: I will continue my current job to enable funding)

What do you consider to be the better training establishments in Australia?

I have the opportunity to do my instrument rating and some hour building for the fuel cost only plus instructor time in a centre-line thrust twin, or should I pay out the dollars and do it in a assymetric twin?

Where is the cheapest place to hour build (worldwide)?

Is there any advantage in getting glass cockpit experience (ie PC12, caravan, mustang, cj1/2 endorsement), or put the money into hours on piston twins?

Any suggestions or help would be much appreciated... :)

12th Jan 2008, 11:06
From what i've seen cheapest place in the world to fly is South Africa... mainly due to us getting such a great exchange rate.