View Full Version : European Pilot Certification

28th Jan 2000, 18:15
I have an FAA ATP Multi-engine with jet types and ATP Helicopter with types. What agency issues Pilot Certificates in Sweden and are they issued based on equivelency or is there additional testing and proficiency checks required.

flying scotsman
29th Jan 2000, 02:46
Unable to advise on the Swedish C.A address but having had the U.S atpl in both planes and choppers myself i found them useless on returning to europe.

the hours counted but I pretty much had to do all the exams and flight tests which cost thousands of pounds and take months

good luck.

30th Jan 2000, 11:58
Sorry to say I just deleted all the info I had on them.
(My Swedish woman just broke up with me.)
So I can't help you out very much I'm afraid.

I remember that my FAA licenses were worth nothing but the paper it's written on.
So you'll have to do a Theoryclass and a checkride.
And for most/all companies there you need to be able to speak Swedish fluently.
Even now whith a European ATPL I would have had some trouble to get the Swedish licenses.
Maybe you can ask the Swedish CAA.
They are called 'Luftvartsverket".

Lycka till! (Good Luck!)

[This message has been edited by Breaking_Clouds (edited 30 January 2000).]

Lime Rock
30th Jan 2000, 14:12
Check with "Luftfartsverket", www.lfv.se (http://www.lfv.se) ,
I returned home to Sweden from the US a couple of years ago and it's erally something else you have to go through to convert your tickets.

Right now not even the LFV can answer questions about the new JAR rules!!!!!!

Good luck.