View Full Version : ATPL performance exam

6th Jan 2008, 08:59
I am doing the performance exam on monday and I am getting a bit nervous as performance has never been my strong point. Will I be ok if I get 85 -90% on the question bank or do I need more study aswell?

6th Jan 2008, 12:56
think about what the question is asking then think about the affect its going to have on your aircraft, this little method normally helps rule out a choice or two...

In regards to your feedback; write down the questions numbers your getting wrong and re-do them until you understand why.

Good luck with the exam and remember if you have time left, triple check your graphs....

6th Jan 2008, 15:32
Thank you very much will do:ok:

7th Jan 2008, 12:22
Just do the questions, get an explanation on why that question is correct.
If it doesn't sink in then you'll be troubled with the exam.

For me perf seemed way easy in class, scored above 85% every go. I didn't do any feedback, got 69%.

Where did I go wrong? Not enough practice for questions so the bastards manage to trick me..

So again you know what to do.
