View Full Version : GAPAN Scholarships

3rd Jan 2008, 17:42
I promised the kind people of GAPAN that I would post a thread about applying for one of their scholarships or bursaries.

So here goes.......

Last year I was sat working out how I was going to avoid getting into mega debt, whilst being able to start my aviation career sooner rather than later. It had always been my plan to instruct full-time before getting my I.R. and M.C.C., but the cost of the F.I. course was probably beyond my means for a good few months.

I had heard of various scholarships and bursaries which were available, always thinking that they are never awarded to ME. After a little persuasion, an hour or so filling out the form and the price of a 1st class stamp, my application was on its way to London.

Next I knew, I had been shortlisted to interview (which involves a 10 min presentation and Q&A session). I felt my interview had gone well, BUT SURELY there were others who would get the award. A phone call within 48 hours then offered me a Scholarship for the Flying Instructor (Restricted) course.

Why am I telling you this......... There were 3 scholarships awarded for F.I.(R) courses, 1 for helicopter F.I.(R) as well as PPL and bursaries for other things. The one thing that every winner had in common is that we had applied in the first place.

Please, if you are eligible and thinking about it, apply for these scholarships, they are there to be awarded to you, not just the other man/woman. What is the catch ?????? None !!!! My F.I. course was fully funded by the GAPAN scholarship and as a result I have now been a full-time instructor for 4 months. Without it I would still be working out how to do it all without more debt etc.

Visit http://www.gapan.org/careers/scholarships/schols08.htm for details.

Thank you GAPAN.