View Full Version : Dispatch at MAN

3rd Jan 2008, 16:55
Hi Guys,

I currently work in Load Control for a ground handling agent at MAN. However, I am thinking about moving into Dispatch, either with my current employer or by changing companies if necessary.

Has anyone had any experience of a move similar to this? Also, if any dispatchers have any tips on the best way to go about making such a move, I would welcome any suggestions.

Many thanks in advance.

3rd Jan 2008, 18:12
It is probably more common for people to move from Dispatch into Load Control rather than the other way round! I think it would be very difficult to be a load controller if you have never been a dispatcher or at least worked on the ramp somewhere!

You are probably better off staying with the same company if you can rather than starting from scratch with a new employer, as not many handling agents take dispatchers on externally these days - it is more common to have to work your way up from check in or the ramp. If you move company you may also find yourself having to accept a temporary summer contract rather than a permanent one.

This is probably the best time of year to get a dispatch job though, as handling agents will be starting to recruit for the summer season. Who has recently gained new contracts in MAN? They are likely to be your best bet if you decide to leave your present employer!

Good luck! It's much more fun on the ramp than being stuck in an office all day!!!