View Full Version : What are the odds of success??

2nd Jan 2008, 23:40
Perhaps one for WWW but JAA have published the percentage pass rate for the ATPL -A Theory for 2004.
This would look like averaging out at about 75% but the figures don't say who is first time or resits.
What i can't find is the actual number of candidates either in 2004 or since.
Clearly not all that pass in the UK will necessarily want to work in the UK but does anyone know the actual numbers passing the ATPL-A Theory and how does even that figure compare to the expected number of pilot vacancies??
What percentage of people with ATPL-A theory pass the CPL???
Does anyone know how many people pass the theory and are not working as a pilot or indeed in aviation at all??
Certainly food for thought before the cost of ground-school and examination fees!!

2nd Jan 2008, 23:52
This has been posted before ... and it was pretty shocking :eek:

Not sure where you'll find it but I think WWW posted it, may have been Scrogs though? either way the number didn't look too clever from my calculations especially with the market slowing down again.

Good luck with finding the numbers.

2nd Jan 2008, 23:55
sorry couldn't find the numbers in search

3rd Jan 2008, 00:11
It was something odd like there being only airline jobs for 15% of the holders of a fATPL per year. Not forgetting you'll get a build up from the year before that ... and the year before that.

I guess some people simply give up, some fail their medical, some go abroad and some never wanted to fly for an airline and are quite content as MEI Instructors for big FTO's. I don't think it's that easy to get an accurate figure but I think OAT alone can supply the UK with 200hr wannabes alone - not taking into account the other integrated FTO's and modular schools :bored:

Makes you think what's the point. :ouch:

3rd Jan 2008, 09:54
I have been in spain, italy, austria recently.

met other pilots , and many told me, they have found no job, and don't know what to do...
not good not good!