View Full Version : Company Policy Regarding Sickness Over Christmas?

Cool Wavy NG738
22nd Dec 2007, 08:45
I was just wondering if any cabin crew working for UK airlines have to provide a doctor's certificate for sickness over the Christmas period and if so what are the legalities? Is a company allowed to use such tactics and over-ride the self certification procedure for 7 days or less? Would they be able to take disciplinary action if a crew member was genuinely sick and unable to call out a doctor?

22nd Dec 2007, 08:54
I've flown with companies that have pre-warned crew about requiring a doctors note if they were sick over Xmas. I never really thought about the legalities of it. My guess is that if the unions agreed to it, then it must be legal. If you don't have a union, then you are on your own if you wanted to challenge the legalities.

If you are genuinely sick, then really you should have nothing to worry about. This rule is also for the benefit of colleagues who are on standby over Xmas as well as the airline protecting its operation. Perhaps thats why unions haven't opposed it.

22nd Dec 2007, 09:47
at the airline i work for a few years back we were required to provide a doctors cert but the union challenged it and it was dropped, now we get a pre christmas notice asking us to give 'plenty' of notice to crewing if possible and pointing out that caual sickness will upset others xmas plans! as far as i undertand under UK law you only need to provide a Dr's cert if you are sick for 7 days or more as less than 7 days only requires self certification, however i'm sure 'some' employers do use this as a threat tactic, if your sick your unfit to fly, if its casual you could end up messing up other peoples plans!!