View Full Version : The Great CC Muffin Heist

Two's in
19th Dec 2007, 20:18
BA courting some more publicity here;

http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23428631-details/BA+steward+suspended+'for+eating+left+over+muffin'+on+passen ger's+meal+tray/article.do

British Airways have suspended a cabin crew steward for eating a muffin that was discarded on a passenger's meal tray, it was reported today.

BA are treating the incident as theft after he was reported at Heathrow airport on Monday.

The man's collegues are furious with the decision, branding the airline 'heavy handed' and accused them of acting like a 'police state'.

One BA worker told The Sun: "The cabin crew member on a long-haul flight took a muffin destined for the bin.

"Now his career hangs in the balance. Everyone is up in arms - it is a disgusting way to treat a member of staff."

The move to suspend the worker comes after another BA flight attendent was told she could not wear a crucifix to work as it apparently contravened the company's uniform policy.

The worker added: "Staff are scared of putting a foot wrong. BA is acting like a police state."

A spokesman for the company said yesterday: "One member of the cabin crew has been suspended on suspicion of theft.

"While such incidents are extremely rare we take all allegations of theft extremely seriously."

However, British Airways appeared to make a U-turn today denying that the steward was suspended because he eat a left over muffin.

A BA spokesman said: "It is half-baked to suggest we are suspending someone over a muffin. It would be inappropriate to comment further at this stage."

Hand Solo
19th Dec 2007, 20:26
According to internal communications the incident was a result of a random spot check by police and customs and resulted in the individual being either cautioned or arrested. So presumably a bit more than just eating a muffin.

19th Dec 2007, 21:26
In this age of the patients running the asylum what the individual did wrong was trying to take the offending item home. Had he/she devoured it discreetly in flight nothing would have happened.

:D Well done to the Thiefrow police for wasting the tax payers money whilst the real criminals quietly go about their business undisturbed :*

19th Dec 2007, 21:36
It is half-baked to suggest we are suspending someone over a muffin.

Is that an effort at BA humour almost as dry as their muffins?

19th Dec 2007, 21:53
Far more to this than meets the eye. The latest official in-house missive from the management explains in some detail the background, whys and wherefores.

Suffice it to say that the arrogant belief of many BA employees, both flying and ground staff, that they can take what they want from an aeroplane might just be coming to an end.

19th Dec 2007, 22:09
AndyPandy, are you honestly supporting the idea that an uneaten muffin destined for the bin being taken by one of the crew warrants ANY kind of action? How completely ridiculous! You must be one of these New Generation managers who has lost all sense of reality and rationality.

19th Dec 2007, 22:32
No not management. As I said there is far more going on at LHR than you might imagine.

There has been a joint operation by the Police and Customs in recent weeks. When the full facts emerge then it will be seen in a different light.

Hand Solo
19th Dec 2007, 22:39
Christmas is coming, wouldn't be the first time somebody has helped themselves to a present from the DF bar.

20th Dec 2007, 04:50
BA could also have a field day if it wanted to check crew stealing newspapers on arrival at LHR from the jetty when disembarking. A bit difficult to explain when you have arrived from singapore and its the days newspapers. While you are at it BA, check on the booze that is still being nicked by the cabin crew!

20th Dec 2007, 08:00
I'm sorry guys but the posted news item and the lead post to this thread is about a muffin. My comments pertain to that. Some of you have deviated and are talking about other types of thieving that goes on in the airline industry. That's a different matter, but not what THIS particular thread is about. If the CC concerned is guilty of other crimes then, again, that's something else, but no such allegation of that is made in the article.

Hand Solo
20th Dec 2007, 08:26
And the article must be correct huh? The BA internal comms say this was an operation led by LHR police and customs. Do you really think they would take action against someone over a muffin, or was there something more to it that the newspaper isn't reporting as it's spoils the story?

20th Dec 2007, 08:46
.....was there something more to it that the newspaper isn't reporting as it's spoils the story?

Shurely shome mishtake?

Little Blue
20th Dec 2007, 09:50
I have seen so many crew from my airline lose their jobs for 'removing' items from the a/c. And they all knew the rules.
But still it goes on !!
It's not about BA being petty. JUST DON'T DO IT !:ugh:

20th Dec 2007, 17:38
Frangatang I strongly advise you not to make sweeping generalistions about BA cabin crew stealing alcohol - grow up.

20th Dec 2007, 21:32
Muffin the Mule has always been a criminal offence.

Hand Solo
20th Dec 2007, 23:37
Frangatang I strongly advise you not to make sweeping generalistions about BA cabin crew stealing alcohol - grow up.

??????? We've all seen it with our own eyes, it's certainly rife on Eurofleet.

21st Dec 2007, 08:32
And of course Managers never steal from their companies........:rolleyes:

Hand Solo
21st Dec 2007, 09:45
Oh well thats ok then!:rolleyes: I'm sure if the police catch managers thieving they'd get suspended too.

21st Dec 2007, 12:20
And have YOU reported it?

23rd Dec 2007, 20:57
What was in the muffin Holmes?

24th Dec 2007, 07:28
The CC member was reported by the CSD and there was no Police or Customs involvement. Most LHR staff would know that the Police and Customs have little interest in anything that takes place with regard to theft from the Company by an employee. This seems to be a personality issue which might be very costly foir the Steward.

24th Dec 2007, 12:30
Just goes to show, WATCH YOUR BACKS. There will always be some jumped up little twerp who takes delight in grassing up other crew. :mad:

The guy took a bloody muffin that was going to be thrown away, hardly the same as raiding the Duty Free trolley. Pax food is crap anyway, I'd rather stick with crew food!

Hand Solo
24th Dec 2007, 17:45
You may think that but in my time in BA there have been quite a few incidents like this and very rarely is there any serious come back for the people who just had a biscuit or a pint of milk. It's the ones who had a pint of milk, a slab of miniatures and a DF camera in their bag that get the disciplinary, and these individuals are usually well known to the company prior to that. Despite all the protestations I can't think of a single incident in the last 5 years when someone has been sacked for something as trivial as a muffin.

24th Dec 2007, 18:38
Hand Solo,

If you have ''seen it with your very eyes''(theft I presume)!!,then why have you not reported it?.

Does that not make you as guilty as them?!!.

Just a thought!!.


Hand Solo
24th Dec 2007, 22:43
No because I didn't steal it, and once it's off the aircraft and in a hotel room I can't prove anything, nor is it my job to. But I do know if someones got a handbag full of miniatures then they probably haven't been saving up a months worth of crew purchase allowances for one big night out.

25th Dec 2007, 04:19
Grassing someone up will earn you a reputation at BA. Some of the more senior crew on here may remember that main crew member who used to grass people up. It got to the point where he couldn't park his car in the car park anymore.

If I was the CSD that saw this guy take the muffin, I would have told him to bin it explain why but I wouldn't have gone to the trouble of reporting him. If it really is just about a muffin, the main crew member may eventually be reinstated but the CSD will have to live out his/her career with a "reputation".

This is why I'm not entirely convinced it was just about a muffin but then again, I'm sad to say, I wouldn't be surprised if it was either.

29th Dec 2007, 19:37
Excuse me for perhaps appearing thick, but what on earth is wrong with a crew member taking a discarded muffin? I can see no loss to the company or the passenger who did not want his in-flight stodge, what I do see is a country drowning in petty regulations enforced by an ever-growing army of interfering 'jobsworths'

3rd Jan 2008, 06:08
If you allow someone to take a muffin, it wont stop there. Work Rules generally state you can not remove anything off the aircraft, including food that would otherwise be discarded.

Having these rules doesnt allow for any deviation or loophole when it comes to stealing.

We cant even take our water bottles that we have drunk from off the aircraft. Seems silly, but it makes me think that if I cant take that, I best not remove any alcohol or Duty Free without a receipt. Full time employment now and in the future is far too important to me.

Hopeful CC
3rd Jan 2008, 07:23
Hi Guys,

I worked for an Australian low cost airline last year and it was the same for us. Nothing was to be removed or given to any other employee from the aircraft regardless of whether or not it was to be discarded.
Its stated in the training manuals thats these actions would be classed as theft and dealt with accordingly.

It does seem a little odd that this CC would have such a stern penalty for a muffin, I can only assume that perhaps it was not his first time at making this mistake or mayber something a little more serious!?

3rd Jan 2008, 09:28
As per a BA spokesman " its half baked to suggest we would suspend someone over a muffin"...

Now, that should tell you it is not JUST a muffin. This person will now under go an investigation, as would anyone who were found in the same situation.

I understand "a muffin" was reported by The Sun newspaper etc. Humm I know where I would perfer to get my news from..... And it is not the SUN !.

Once this has been delt with, I hope we get a report on the FACTS around this case. It just may make a few people think, before they lift stuff that they should not. :=

3rd Jan 2008, 17:44
At my airline we are allowed to take crew food and water. Why the heavens shouldn't we??? :confused:

I don't understand why some airlines won't even let crew take their own water bottles off the plane.

Oh we also take discarded pax newspapers and magazines...

25th Jan 2008, 20:02
Any more news on what is happening with the great debate regarding the 'muffin' as all has gone quiet.

Maybe they are concentrating on more concerning matters such as the recent events at LHR which of course makes more sense compared to a 'muffin'.

Let us know if any news,

Happy flying especially in these terrible winds.....:bored: