View Full Version : What is happening with Gulf Air Holidays?

Ibn Kalb
18th Dec 2007, 10:51
I went into the GF Holidays shop in Seef Mall the other day. I can't stand Monty Python but the conversation was pythonesque

IK: Hello, I would like to buy a holiday to Muscat
- We don't sell holidays
IK: But you are GF Holidays
- yes sir
IK: And you don't sell holidays?
- no sir
IK: So what do you do?
- well, we can sell you the flight and then you go on the internet
IK: So why are you called GF Holidays?
- sorry sir, if you want to complain , go to customer services
IK: I'm just asking, why did they stop selling holidays
- because they might be bringing out a new product
IK: when?
- maybe, possibly, March, inshallah
IK: so you stopped selling holidays without planning a new holiday product?
IK: why did you not develop a new holiday product and introduce it at the same time as you phase out the old one?
- We can sell you a flight
IK: but not a holiday?
- Sorry sir
IK: Goodbye and well done Gulf Air!

18th Dec 2007, 11:06
this is too funny. which way did he go? Which way did Who go? BN these are all the top notch guys you put into place as per the suggestions from RB? You are young,, you knew no better, lessons learned for your next job. Unfortunately this is not the UN airline you came from. Mistakes cost money and alot of it. Why are you the last to know ALL THE TIME!!! Good luck where ever that place maybe.

18th Dec 2007, 11:16
Ibn Kalb (http://www.pprune.org/forums/member.php?u=184528)

Dear did you see :eek:the new web for Gulf Air, you will see that Gulf Air Holidays is online:ok:, are you one of these that they like to waist time,
www.gulfair.com (http://www.gulfair.com), use your head mit;)

Ibn Kalb
18th Dec 2007, 12:36

You are totally missing the point ...there are no GF holidays on the internet or anywhere. - hey maybe you work for GF holidays too?

I think you mean waste not waist?

Please do your research before posting a dumbass comment

18th Dec 2007, 14:56
I think you guys should read between the lines...it maybe they won`t have a holiday to sell in due course....I wonder why!

18th Dec 2007, 15:10
ha ha ha working for Gulf air ,:yuk: why do you think i Lost my mind :=, Mr smart :D
see this. www.gulfair.com (http://www.gulfair.com) this what you see

http://www.gulfair.com/gif/flights.gifFlights (http://www.gulfair.com/index/index.asp#) http://www.gulfair.com/gif/hotel.gifHotel (http://hotels.gulfair.com/) http://www.gulfair.com/gif/car.gifCar (http://cars.gulfair.com/)multiple destinations (http://www.gulfair.com/index/index.asp#)

18th Dec 2007, 21:44
and whats wrong with her chest........some folks are never happy....



19th Dec 2007, 03:57
HELL BOY (http://www.pprune.org/forums/member.php?u=190944)

Holiday pack.. means air ticket plus hotel.. and also can be added with other things like tours..
i guess u never took a holiday pack... i guess u need to try other airlines and u will know what IB means...
have a nice day.. and Eid Mubrark..

19th Dec 2007, 07:21
HELL boy,

Why don't you take a hike and leave the posting for real men with real airline experience.

You are immature, arrogant and need I say stupid!


19th Dec 2007, 10:40
keep smiling / salahabuali ,

I know what is the meaning of package but the question is do you both knows what is the meaning of F**KERS. :hmm:
I guess you both have no life and my advice please gets one. Or maybe you both smart Bahrainis looking for life talking about others and for get how stupid they are.:ok:

Ibn Kalb
19th Dec 2007, 10:47
Hell Boy
Take it easy - no need for anti-any nationality rantings, thank you very much
ESPECIALLY on my postings.
Now, toodle off and put the fairy on your xmas tree like a nice little boy
PS Whilst you are at it, please study some grammar, dude
PPS I actually went to the site you recommended and what did I get in the web address???
ha ha ha what total idiot at any reputable company would allow such an address to show 'whitelabel'....wow makes me feel like a really special customer.
PPPS Just look at the hotels they offer in Muscat. a couple of 3 start dumps / shag palaces.
its so saaaaaaadddd, GF can you screw up even more than you are right now. Who in GF actually makes these decisions????