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View Full Version : QF 767's grounded

18th Dec 2007, 07:15
Just heard on the grapevine that all QF 767's are being grounded due to a Fuel Control Unit software problem.

18th Dec 2007, 07:29
I am not in the FCU game.....but I am very much in the automation game and software does not change......unless someone changes it! These B767's have all been around a long while so a bug has not just been found after all these years surely!:uhoh:

Must be something hardware related me thinks!


18th Dec 2007, 07:32
767's are being grounded

Hmmm... has old mate, Trevor, been up to his old tricks again?

stubby jumbo
18th Dec 2007, 08:19
How very insightful Scotty.:rolleyes:

Has your Romper Room reel to reel video player blown a fuse?

FYI, ......"Trevor" had zip to do with the 767 debacle at AN ( go back and do some research)

He runs rings around your mentor....... the tool with the CCM number plates on his Merc.

18th Dec 2007, 08:40
sure about that??

Qantas opted for MEC steam driven CF6 engines on all but OGV. the ZXx series could be a possible issue.

I have heard on the grape vine thought that a few 767s will be grounded around christmas due to an inability of the maintenance facilities to catch up on required work and they have run out of flying hours.

Maybe something to do with a particular facilities inability to recruit staff from the industry due to the miserable pay and future opportunities... maybe

Mr Chairman
18th Dec 2007, 10:21
Unfortunately a discrepancy was found between the FMC and the TMC with relation to the on loaded software. On some B767-338 aircraft the FMC showed GE80CB6 software fitted while the TMC appeared to be loaded with B4 and it appears that the two don't go well together. Only some aircraft effected, 3 in Sydney tonight but spares are proving to be a problem.:rolleyes:

Managers Perspective
18th Dec 2007, 11:20
Has Trevor still got his Mini?

Pick at him as you will, but he was the only one with the balls to stand up and try to make something of the Ansett ashes whilst the others wept pitifully in the corners.


Buster Hyman
18th Dec 2007, 20:50
Lets just wait & see how hard CASA comes down on QF eh?.....waiting....:hmm:

18th Dec 2007, 20:57
Lets just wait & see how hard CASA comes down on QF eh?.....waiting....

Luckily you have plenty of time to wait.

Might be a while. ;)

18th Dec 2007, 21:22
It's not a concern really. There is going to be a heap more aircraft firmly on the ground when we go into battle with Q management. If they were smart they would come to an agreement before we have to play our hand!!!!!

18th Dec 2007, 22:10
If this grounding is true I hope it happens after Christmas - I just had flashbacks of Christmas 2000 with Ansett.

If it doesn't I hope they have a few spare 747s or A330s, these flights are pretty full.

18th Dec 2007, 23:39
I know where there are some good A330's that Qantas could use, albeit in the wrong colour scheme. However if you rubbed hard enough.......?

Buster Hyman
19th Dec 2007, 01:38
Indeed, there are also a few 717's floating around however, if when you are rubbing you come across a Cockatoo, then you've rubbed too hard!:ok:

19th Dec 2007, 01:47
BH - ha ha very good

"Just heard on the grapevine that all QF 767's are being grounded due to a Fuel Control Unit software problem."

I betcha it gets traced back to those pesly thronomeisters..............

19th Dec 2007, 01:52
he was the only one with the balls to stand up and try to make something of the Ansett ashes

BS... he was straight back to Quantas like a rat up a drainpipe.

B A Lert
19th Dec 2007, 01:55
he was straight back to Qantas like a rat up a drainpipe.

But......for how long did he stay?

Scotty Doo, there is no "U" in QANTAS :=

Sonny Hammond
19th Dec 2007, 02:14

Show me once in the recent past when industrial action in the aviation business has resulted in a positive outcome.
Don't get me wrong, I am with you all the way, I hate qf and left for sandier pastures myself, but I really think that this type of thing will play into managements hands and facilitate the master plan.
Read ;J* doing mainlines work with out any attempt to pretend it is a J* flight.
Also, remember the australian public's complete lack of patience for industrial action.
Good luck though.

Bolty McBolt
19th Dec 2007, 02:24
FMC and the TMC with relation to the on loaded software. On some B767-338 aircraft the FMC showed GE80CB6 software fitted while the TMC appeared to be loaded with B4 and it appears that the two don't go well together

Is this a re-occurrence, as a similar thing happened same time last year (or early this year)
A bad batch of software was loaded onto 767 s FMC and was first discovered by a crew flying SYD - CGK had to turn back when the conflict raised its head. A subsequent check of all the aircraft that had the recent months NAV database loaded found to have the same fault..
I can't remember what was the fix but it slowed a few 767s for a few days.

Not many engineers have posted on this issue.. Is this old news or has it happened again!
If it has happened again someone needs a boot up the ass.
Was the production of the FMC nav data base something we once did in house that has now been out sourced??
Anyone ?? Bueller?

Buster Hyman
19th Dec 2007, 02:52
Fliegenmong...dont mention the thronomeisters...Zoolander said its not funny anymore!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Clown Act
19th Dec 2007, 06:32
The NAV database has always been maintained by Honeywell.

19th Dec 2007, 21:40
Nothing to do with the thronomeisters.. It all came about when they tried to introduce the new " wing detach mechanism" mod. Apparently it clashes with the hoojadi-flaggelator system causing an uncommanded deployment of the desplurgelators.

Peter Fanelli
19th Dec 2007, 22:05
I am not in the FCU game.....but I am very much in the automation game and software does not change......

Never used micro$oft crap products huh?

19th Dec 2007, 22:42
Peter.....you raise a valid point!

Unfortunately yes.....however the things we use for Automation do not run on any MS product...........hence they work!!!!

its an oldie but a goody!
