View Full Version : EC135 Emergency Airworthiness Directive

16th Dec 2007, 04:43

SUBJECT: Eurocopter Deutschland Model EC135 Helicopters.

BACKGROUND: The Rotorcraft Directorate will issue an emergency airworthiness directive (EAD) that is prompted by the failure of a tail rotor control rod which resulted in an accident that occurred in Japan.

UNSAFE CONDITION: The EAD is intended to prevent failure of a tail rotor control rod and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter. The Civil Aviation Bureau of Japan (JCAB) and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) have issued their own Airworthiness Directives.

ACTION: The EAD will require, within the next 5 hours time-in-service, inspecting the control rod and adjoining ball pivot and replacing any unairworthy parts before further flight.

IMPACT: U.S.-registered fleet: 163
Worldwide fleet: 2315
Labor Cost per Helicopter: $80 per work hour. We estimate 1 work hour to inspect the control rod and ball pivot and 3 work hours to replace a control rod or ball pivot, if necessary.
Parts Cost per Helicopter: $400 for the control rod and $675 for the ball pivot
Total Estimated Cost Impact: $32,765, assuming 15 helicopters require replacing parts.

AFFECTED U.S. OPERATORS: General Aviation (Air Tour Operators, Powerline/Pipeline Survey), Law Enforcement.

NEWS VALUE/MEDIA INTEREST: General press interest.

Regional Duty Officer: (817) 222-5006