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11th Dec 2007, 07:26
I always knew that Catholic School education would come in handy some day!

Hassi Messaoud (DAUH) 0710Z rush-hour, about seven in-bounds with no radar, procedural only. Not the total chaos one remembers from Lagos, but not exactly Miami International either.

My F/O, thinking quickly, had suggested that we come in from the desert at Flight Level 60, practically leaving dust trails. So we were Number 3 for approach where our colleagues at F080 and F085 got to spend 1:30 for a 30-minute sector. I told them that "I came crawling in on my belly like a reptile." No more jet-propelled travel at F250; one might as well be a realist.

Of course this trick will only work once. I expect that next Tuesday shall see us Number Six behind five other aircraft all at F050 and F055.

11th Dec 2007, 08:05
That much delay with only seven inbounds? What landing interval are they using there and is everybody flying the full approach? Maybe you could convince some of the guys ahead to do a visual (weather permitting of course) and minimize delay.
Nice trick with the low cruising level though. Careful you dont get any en-route holding next time, and all the other guys reading this forum now know who you are and know the dirty tricks you're using. :ok:

PS. Happy birthday for yesterday

11th Dec 2007, 09:44
Problem with Hassi tower and approach is that as soon as an aircraft calls for start the controllers become overloaded!LOL:} Report Parking!

12th Dec 2007, 09:23
Yes, they are very, very conservative. Going for a visual would not be allowed, I think, at least not to get in with no fuss or muss.

I once was told to call back in about 15 minutes for start-up due high traffic density - three other aircraft starting at the same time! It sure isn't like KMIA. On the other hand, a big delay beats an air-miss any day.