View Full Version : Integrated course and CSA

7th Dec 2007, 12:53
Just wondering if anyone out there has come across this before.
I'm aware that if i'm in full time education i'm exempt from paying maintenance through the CSA, does an integrated course class as full time education?

I'm not trying to get out of paying for my nipper but i'd rather come to an arrangement with the devil (ex) than be chased by the CSA while i'm in training.

Anyone been there before?



7th Dec 2007, 12:58
i have not been there myself but maybe the csa have their own website and there may be some useful info there

7th Dec 2007, 13:06
I have the CSA booklet at home but it only refers to full time education. There is a list of courses but it doesn't go as in-depth as ATPL, hence asking if anyone had been there.

Thanks anyway